Reconsidering Chaos

Imperfection I wonder why it makes us uncomfortable? It is still a kind of holding.

I bet she will burst open by this weekend.

Reassured that  Magnolia will bloom this season.  It is freezing again this morning, but she will make it.  Last year was so sad, but it wasn't the end.

holding imperfectly

Only small stitching could happen during the man's eye surgery.  It was so quick and the staff so efficient and friendly, I spent most of my time engaged in conversation.

So OK.  A little bit in between. We will get through the eye drops from hell and a little longer recovery because of the history of the eye.  Coming through a chaotic week with a sense of order, built from what  we have to work with.  Thinking how it is all chaos and this sense of order we strive to hold is truly personal isn't it?  A kind of building.  This small composition, a reminder.

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Categories: imperfection, questionsTags: ,


  1. Ingrid Johnson

    Haha my man scratched his cornea, while it didn’t require surgery, “the eye drops from hell” is a great description !! Hope yours is recovering well.

  2. Els

    All the best to Man’s healing !!! Stitching in waiting time is good !
    (I had eye surgery 4 weeks ago and all went well : improved sight !!!)

  3. sharon

    the reassurance of the familiar… magnolia blossoms. small stitches. a hand held. this conversation. it’s all good… especially the imperfections!

  4. Susan Crowley

    And really, aren’t we all just so happy to be here? Let’s celebrate our consciousness. of all things, good and bad. What a privilege and joy. 🥰 Do the best we can until we know better, and then when we know better, do better. 🥰 So happy you are all well at Jude and the Man and Soul-o home.

  5. Lynn Watson

    Very best wishes to Your Man and healing of his eye. Always traumatic when eyes need surgery. May you both get through this time and relax as much as possible.
    And best to the magnolia; magnificent trees and blossoms; so ancient.

  6. Liz A

    It seems to me that surgery, and even simple in office procedures, are sensed as an assault on the body … putting every cell on the defensive … the best “cure” being lots of rest and TLC

    Hoping each day to come brings healing

  7. Elizabeth Godin

    Glad to hear that the “Man” is progressing and that surgery went well. The stress should be subsiding some … the stress of maintaining the follow thru is still present. But the driving and interruption in daily living has for now come to an end.

    Glad you had some conversation while you waited and that your stay at the doctors office was reasonably brief.
    Keeping you both in thoughts.

  8. Susan Hemann

    I’m glad he’s progressing
    we all are trying to progress, just at different rates

    love Magnolia’s! I’m missing them right now- I’m in the city, Chicago
    I like imperfection- it’s life-your work

  9. Helen Lee

    So glad the Man was in good hands…and continues to be, with you by his side ❤️
    Over the years I have grown to really love imperfections and Wabi Sabi. You helped in that. It makes for a much easier life! 😃
    Yay to Magnolia’s endurance. They are such ancient trees.
    Love to you three over there ❤️

  10. Jan Stevenson

    the history of each component…everything to be considered…and how chaos can be dismantled when we do…consider. quiet, happy healing to the man and you.

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