the journey

Ding! (curtain up close)


The coffeeΒ  spoon.Β 

If one of me was the spoon and life was the coffee, this could be me.

Holding a sense of me. And life.

how one thing absorbs another

There was a little drawing and painting at dawn...


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Categories: Beast, Joodle HIll, PAPER WORKTags: , ,


  1. Chris

    Deeply involved & intimate with what it touches…..Love the spoon & the image.
    The cloth whisperer spins yarns. “:0)

  2. sharon

    wow… just realized why i linger so long over your posts… i’m “absorbing” them! they’re real food ‘n i feel energized for my day’s journey. that one phrase, “there was a little drawing and painting at dawn”, with the actual watercolor… the child within me is jumping up ‘n down with glee!… x

  3. Heather Smith

    The extra patina that a life creates, stains and oils are preserving. Your beasts seem to have a lot to say.

  4. Judith

    I don’t drink coffee but one of my wooden spoons is dyed with many stirrings of henna from long ago. My big spoon is beautifully stained from the oil on my hands while making a few thousand loaves of bread. My hands can no longer make bread so I will give it to my son who is currently into bread making and is moving to Columbia. Parts of me all over the world.

  5. The curtain almost looks like burlap in this pic. Ah, the wooden spoon…reminds me of mine, drawn a while back, which holds so many memories of times gone by.
    The painting is both inviting/exciting and soothing. I so love your little beasts…and these colors!

  6. Pam S.

    Love the coffee color cloth and your wooden spoon!
    Keep drawing and painting … So inspiring πŸ’™
    Have the weekend you desire πŸ’™πŸ•Š

  7. Nancy D

    Oh! I love old wooden spoons. There’s something warm and useful about them at the same time. Drawing and painting at dawn. So peaceful. Good for the Soul.

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