Itchy and tired

Yesterday there were big thunderstorms. It got so dark that the solar lights  lit up on the porch.  It cooled down, but it is very wet and all the biting bugs are happy.

The wild flowers have bloomed and will soon go to seed.  I think I will give the tall grass a mow  next week to keep the mosquitoes at bay,  just close to the house.  Seems like there is a bit of poison oak mixed into my dilemma,  Probably I got that from Soul-o.

day and night come together

it's cooler.

He sees something...

in the forest.

 This morning...


I moved the bed across from the porch entrance.

Soul-o pulled the curtain down so I just pinned it there.  I kind of like it.

I left the door open last night and a pack of coyotes came through, screaming, ripped me right out of dreaming and then I could not go back to sleep.

May Self

Yesterday I named her Miss Universe, but today maybe Alone with Sky.

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Categories: Naming Things, Stray Selves SeriesTags: ,


  1. Cat

    Clay on the itchy spots. I used to get poison oak from the forest in the redwoods. Sitting in the sun to let the clay dry draws out the oils. It snowed in Montana just enough to drag the peonies to the grass soak the ground with rain afterwards. If you don’t like fluctuations in climate … embroidery is changing to vibrant colors and dark greens. Memory lane in my music these days with a bit of Ravi Shankar to begin the day.

    • jude

      yeah, I use calamine lotion, I think it is made with clay…
      I have a Ravi Shankar record, but no turn table at the moment…

  2. Caro

    Miss universe (not the competitive one but the female universal) alone with sky. These two names combined sound fitting to me for that beautiful female in and surrounded by blue.
    Wet and humid here too. The last years were SO dry so i am thankful for not having to constantly water to keep things
    alive. And birds are so abundant this year. But mosquitos like crazy and we have wolf howling sometimes.
    Love that cloth Jude.

    • jude

      I liked the redefine or at least the word play here.
      I am interfering less here this year. Watching things survive or not.

  3. Judith

    At first glimpse I thought the chair was a Soul-O silhouette. I love how the curtain gives a softness to the outside world. It might even help keep the mosquitoes away.
    Sky Goddess guarding the universe

    • jude

      I di manage to keep the mosquitoes out of the porch finally. I put carpets on the floor, they were coming up between the deck boards.
      What if she is simply becoming that which hold her?

  4. Beth from Still Life Pond

    Alone with Sky sounds much more like you. Miss Universe has an awful lot of pageantry baggage to her. Love all the blues.

  5. Upon opening the post…I saw the chair (?) as Soul-O!! heehee Then, I see him looking, watching through The Big View porch. I have always like the night calls of the coyotes, from safe in my home I will add. I haven’t heard much of them recently, nor the local Owl. Mmmm…
    Alone with Sky is beautiful, especially with her divided moon heart and her firm standing ‘in the flow’. May we all find such beautiful ways to move through this world.
    Biting bugs = yuc. I react so strongly to such things.

    • jude

      I love the owls too. More this year. I love to fall asleep to the night sounds of the forest.
      I is nice to use making for imagining.
      I am much more allergic to bug bites since I moved here, not sure why.

  6. Jan Stevenson

    you just reminded me. . .a while back I was working with Father Earth/Mother Sky. all depends who’s leading the dance.

  7. Nice to have your bed so close to the porch! Coyotes howling close by can sure be a startling thing to awaken one. Bummer on the poisoned ivy… Alone with Sky – she’s got a lot going on 🙂

    • jude

      They come close here… every so often…never heard them before I moved here. I like it. Alone with sky and coyotes…

  8. Beth O

    Alone with Sky is SO beautiful! I love her whiskers, reaching out gracefully into the world. The bed by the porch, the open door, it all sounds perfect for a late Spring night (except for the biting bugs!!). Years ago, when I was a shepherdess on the other side of the mountains, the sound of coyotes at night filled me with dread . . . especially if I had baby lambs in the field. I was lucky, though . . . the coyotes left my flock alone. Now the sound of their singing just reminds me of all the beautiful wildness in the world.

  9. Jen

    Alone With Sky, seems fitting…I hear the coyotes yipping in the distant fields ( or what’s left of them, developers are decimating the farmland, 😫)
    O Dear! O Soul-O…he brought you the dubious gift of poison ivy itchies…ugh!
    Hope it goes away soon!
    Love the view to the porch!

  10. Dark here too, the solar light on past sunrise. Alone with sky…yes. I always find so much peace in those moments. And awe.

    Hope you get some rest and feel more comfortable soon.

  11. And yet, the music of the coyotes always seems full of so many colors. I really miss it since we moved into town from the farm.
    I can’t tell you how much I love this Being — set on earth and water, interacting with sun/moon & stars…. And her wonderful whiskers twitching & curling as they stretch out to discover the whole cosmos. May we all be so!

  12. Nancy D

    I like Alone With the Sky, too…sounds Native Indian. Coyotes. We have them here, as well, mostly down by the Lake. You can hear their yips on clear nights. Sometimes one strays to our Woods and wanders the neighborhood in the deep morning. Beautiful room.

  13. Joey Madl

    Not so courteous coyotes can be that way. Screaming in the dark. Oblivious to those of us who sleep while the moon journeys. The biting bugs, happy or not, are no help in the matter either, preferring to chew on us rather than the raggedy coyotes!

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