the thinking doodle

I could go on and on, reminding myself of infinite possibilities, like moods

Things  happen, fall together in many ways.  So many natural forces, stories, memories... acting out all at once. It is hard to sort through reason.  In noticing. In the asking. In the choosing. In the saying, even to ourselves. We change that. Can I use this?

These are four digital sketches.  Layers of drawing over a photo. With no purpose other than to let thought flow.  Catch it if I can. Time spent playing with a stitched base. Just to do that.

Will I continue? Let it become more? Imply purpose? I don't know. Sometimes I just enjoy knowing I could.

Years ago, in another time, I might have put a rabbit here.  Mom would have put a jelly bean trail.  It was her birthday yesterday.   This year, wow, I  didn't even notice it was Easter.  But it  still IS, for those who care.

We notice and believe what might be useful for us.  And care about it.  Make it into something much bigger than it might be for others.   Roll right over them sometimes.  Without noticing. Just considering that.

That new green, so unexplainably refreshing. Right? It just screams wake up!


  1. Yvonne

    Easter usually involves a day trip to the countryside where we bring chocolate eggs and roll them until they crack open from the foil wrapper…and then we eat them. We still had eggs this year but no exciting journey to a castle or riverside destination. Yesterday we had snow again….it seems everything is possible and impossible at the moment. I love the idea of playing around with possibilities of the patchwork house cloth , I love the moon face and the person, who might she be …. she looks happy!

  2. Sharon Koch

    what you notice and consider and share here is spirit food. i digest it throughout the day. it brings me great joy. x

  3. Victoria

    Many years ago the Crayola people were introducing several new colors and they ran a contest to name them. Well, being interested in color I decided to send in an entry for the bright spring green color. I named it Pristine Green since not only does it rhyme but it denotes cleanliness and newness. I didn’t win and forget what the prize was to be so I guess it was for the best. I did think it was a really evocative name but probably they thought it was too much of a stretch for the age group generally using crayons.

    • jude

      Love this. I would have entered, although spring green is often unnamable. I was a woven textile designer for many years. I created a palette for each season and I had to name the colors. I loved that.

    • One of my favorite projects I did with kids as an elementary art teacher was to have them create 100 colors! They were always so surprised at the idea of creating so many colors. We learned to mix primary, secondary and then tints and shades. As they were mixing their 100 colors, I asked them to name them! Wow those conversations were the best and they were so busy coming up with 100 colors!

  4. deemallon

    I’m a sucker for the snow globe but intrigued by the figure in the house. Easter’s a big nothing this year, but I might make a carrot cake. And then it will be something. The last remarks of your post are enigmatic but one of the troubles of relationship I’ve discovered (bear with me) is that other people are not me. Different standards. Different wiring. Different expectations. You name it.

    • jude

      I love carrot cake. Maybe simply Cake Day.
      I think if we try not to make things too big, there will be room for everything. Because there will always be everything.

  5. Sue McQuade

    Doodles are so free and easy. I usually doodle when I am waiting for something or on the phone. Often mindless with the ability to take us away to a peace-filled presence.

  6. cednie

    I don’t really celebrate Easter anymore, but I feel compelled to cook a holiday meal. This year it’s going to be a quinoa-stuffed squash and a chocolate pie. I don’t feel well because I got my second COVID shot yesterday. That’s good, right, but it seems like a huge chore to cook. I’m hoping for new energy next week so that planting seeds might continue!

  7. Coming up above ground for the first time … ever. What must that feel like? A kind of rare waking up perhaps.

    My new laptop came with a pen and I haven’t tried it out yet — it has been a few months. Time to play – you’ve inspire me to play.

    Spring joys, spring joys, spring joys … to all of us!

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