
The truth is, for me, a StoryCloth is never finished.

I make use of larger cloths

The serpent of days is calling.


Everything seems to be working on private pages.  So I will jump in again,  The Forever Zone will be available for purchase in the shop come April 1.   I will begin new teachings in May,  and spend April loading up some old classes and such.

Looks like the freezing days are behind us.  (she says, not really knowing but with a sense of change)

carpet practice

A lifetime ago I did a little practicing for carpet making.  It takes time to get to stuff really,  but forever is my new frame, frame of mind.  Holding it dear.

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Categories: imagine, Magic Cloth, senseTags: ,


  1. Judith

    Serpent of Days wraps around me and feeds my inexplicable desire for symmetry. Do you have a singing pattern for your carpet?

    • jude

      I don’t because I have no pattern. Funny you should ask, long ago I want to add sounds to the treadles on my big loom so each weave would have a melody. Maybe I can still do that…

  2. Jen

    Serpent of Days… Infinity
    Framing Forever…
    It’s why I garden ( well, to be honest; ONE of many reasons why, ha!)— long after I’m dust, perhaps the seeds will still sprout, yes?🌱
    I love the serpent idea…..

  3. Nancy

    Seeing those little stones brought back memories. Made me wonder if you recall each step, each addition and the meaning of them then. My mind just can’t hold on to so many details anymore, but I know it’s in there somewhere! ha
    Take care.

  4. Beth O

    Serpent of Days . . . stunning! I just spent a long time looking at it close up. The imagery, the stitching . . . just WOW. I think that being able to wrap yourself up in something like this (or wrap up your cat!) makes it even more personal & special. I’ve thought a lot about scale, especially in 3D pieces, and there I arrived at something that feels right to me. But for cloth, I’m starting to feel the impact of larger pieces that are truly special & alive. Thanks, Jude! Hope you have a wonderful day.

  5. I have ideas for technology products that would benefit the world – one would be moving posts in bulk from one platform to another. Does such a product exist? Could it be built? I’m sure it could, but not by me, that’s for sure. Technology is a world of sighs… my work before I retired.

    • jude

      Yes, you can move your blog to another platform. You can back up or import. But I find the formatting changes, Especially with all my fiddling and linking, media, etc.

  6. Jana

    I may be too new here (5-6 years) to remember this cloth. Serpent of Days. The velvet corners feel like a melting into the cosmos.

    A cozy tent for shelter; a place to watch the birds. More than sufficient for me, too.

    • jude

      Yeah this one goes way back. I have mentioned it here and there here, but really it’s a long story. If I could get on that chair with him, I would 😂

  7. Carla Wilson

    I’m looking forward to Forever Zone signup. I’ve had enough of Facebook and all that goes with it – I need some quiet reflective learning. I love that you love and respect the stories your fabrics hold. Thank you for continuing to share your wisdom and insight

  8. I think for me, when I think of unfinished…it’s the stage between started and useful for something other than the process of making (which is a useful thing for mental health!). Once it’s reached functional… I guess I think of it as in a process of change, and maybe just that? Maybe this is why I gravitate towards blankets/pillows/containers/clothing…. I’ve got to think about this more. 🙂

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