a wandering

many selves becoming one

I stitched this down. I like the loose woven puzzle piece combined with the square patches and how it all became applique. It is all becoming one thing.

Have a good weekend, I will be wandering off...

And while wandering

I will seriously be considering, making this one, The Endless Wishing Cloth, which I began calling Endless a while back, larger. Or something.

This one goes way back, geez, Time Passing indeed.Β  Cloth woven center here. Opportunity to reconsider that too.

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Categories: CLOTH WEAVING, Endless (wishing), reconsidering Weave, Stray Selves Series, wanderingTags: ,


  1. Peggy McG

    Love this Combo Cat, showing all sides and parts of herself!
    The work in progress cloth, may it keep us engrossed in it’s growth!
    Hope your weekend includes non religeous Chocolate Ears, if that is a part of your world.. it is in mine!

  2. sharon

    the becoming one. whether pieced, appliqued, dyed, hooked or woven. it brings contentment. and the going back in time. hearing your thoughts from 6 years ago ‘n the birthing of this endless wishing cloth. such a joy to one-der full circle with u…

  3. Kathy

    I’m really enjoying your posts. You have an interesting (in a good) way of looking at life and creating. I am a work in progress. I am very good at following patterns but not so much in coming up with my own ideas. That’s why I love Pinterest. I see something I love and adapt it to be my own. Hoping to learn more from you.

    • Jeanne

      Me too Kathy! Inspired so much by Jude but sometimes overwhelmed with how easy she makes it look and still hard for me. Trying to find my way and always learning.

      • Joan Hinchcliff

        Kathy, and Jeanne too, I think there may be quite a few of us here that feel the same way but love to journey with Jude just the same. Just to sit and absorb her work helps me to feel more creative through her special vision.
        Thank you, Jude for sharing so much of yourself.

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