loose cabins

There was a bit of continuing.

And there will be a bit more, until I have Nine.  These, in conceptbeing my basic 9 patch log cabin blocks, built around the loose dyed patches that have accumulated here.  Now thinking I might dye some teenier versions, like the little red heart I tried a few months back,  about 1/2" across, thinking then it was a bit too small, but not now.

loose cabins

The small heart cabin  needs 4 more scraps.  I stopped there thinking maybe I will take another approach to reach nine.  I like naming the cabins according to what they are framing, holding.  At least for now.   I will make 5 more, but change my approach to seaming so I can talk about that.

This is my big (72) birthday weekend. (7+2=9!)  So let me just say  I have leaned into a new approach here.  Slower, simpler, free-er,  and perhaps easier to follow.

So a little time out to celebrate.  Nice to find new folks here. I will be back with a bit of cabin storming and some chatting/showing/telling about seams. A seam is a big thing in my little world of scraps. Of selves.

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Categories: framing, Log cabin blockTags: ,


  1. Valerie O

    Sprinkles on your cake. Just like you, sprinkling your talent your wisdom and kindnesses all around, just for all of us.. So many years of sharing, so freely, so lovingly.
    Happy birthday to you, and many more ahead ! I am 78 and still stitching every day….little somethings that bring pleasure and surprise into my days. What fun it is to know you and find you in my inbox to bring yet another bit of sunshine. Thank you for all of it.

  2. Mary Ruth

    Happy belated birthday, Jude Hill, a favorite of mine for many years. Have loved your approach to all things fabric, thread, stitch and spirit. Thank you.

  3. Elizabeth Fortes

    Happy Birthday, Dear Jude!
    I just came upon this “territory” by chance and my heart felt the connection between now and similar challenges so many years ago!
    Much love to you, always!

  4. Dhyana

    These are much fun. I’m doing little cabins like yours at the same time. They speak. We have conversations. I’m using your indigo squares for center start pieces. Love.

  5. Miriam in KS

    Happy Birthday and Happy Nine!

    I’m tickled to see you playing with numbers in the manner I do when telling people how the numbers 5 and 30 figure into my relationship with my husband and the birthdates of our children.
    5 is the date of when we met and My hubby’s bday and the due date of our 2 oldest children. (They are 2 years and 27.5 hours difference in birthtimes apart.)
    30 is my birthday, our oldest son’s b-day and the date of our wedding.
    Daughter’s is the 1st which times either 5 or 30 equals them.
    Our youngest son is on the 4th which is 4+1 = 5. Then our first dog was born on the 25th so 1+4+25 = 30. Not all in the same month, some are but not all!
    Enjoy your day.

  6. Joan Hinchcliff

    Wishing you a wonderful and very Happy Birthday!
    May the freeness of today keep you company tomorrow on your special day. 🎂

  7. Nancy

    Nine, nine and looking fine
    Going slower, enjoy this time

    Not a true rhyme, but enough of one
    Happy, Happy Birthday

    This post and the comments are such a celebration 🎈
    Float away in the joy of it all!

  8. Joyce L

    🌼Happy Birthday Jude! 🥳 I can just picture your square cake with 9 candles and dots. I never thought of a log cabin patch as a nine patch but now it will be forever!

  9. Bogi

    May your Happy 9 be sprinkled with much love joy, tiny hearts and everything else you wish for!
    Your beautiful light shines through your work and words! May you shine forever and always❤️ Happy Birthday!

  10. Mary Kenesson

    Sharing a 2/19 birthday with you, tho mine came 6 years before yours, by which time my Swedish grandmother had taught me to sew on her treadle Singer, to embroider pillowcases from the 5 & dime, to iron with a press heated on the wood stove, and oh, so many more life lessons. Now I stitch in a padded rocker tucked in a sunny spot in my hideaway room in a tiny Virginia village, learning from you. May your next 6 years be as happy and cozy as my past ones.

  11. Happy Birthday Season … may the days of your year of 9 be memorable in all the best ways … (and I’m amazed, though not surprised, that you still have scraps of the blue cloth with its birds flying above the tiny heart)

  12. Marti

    Nine is the sum of 7 + 2,
    Happy Birthday wishes to you.
    Irish blessings coming your way,
    So let me just say:
    “May you dance forever joyful in the sweet warm rain of life”

  13. Pam S.

    Happy Birthday on the 19th Jude! 🎉 and many many more 💙
    After watching your log cabin video I just realized that the silk log cabin blocks I’m make are made with 9 pieces too! totally unintentional… just felt like the right size to stop at. You must’ve planted the 9 seed in my thoughts 😁✌🏼

  14. Kristin F

    Have the very best ever time of celebration of your years of living a full life. May your days continue to flow with the ease of just going 💖

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