what warmth might be

ring of fire

A fire burning. 



Colors of Autumn.

Love. Anticipation?

A dream of a Blanket.

I have changed the way I store cloth and thread.  I used to sort by colors,  now I sort by warm and cool colors. And it is funny which colors end up in which pile depending on my sense of them when I sort them.

A ring.  The birth of a season.  A became autumn.


maybe, by lamp light

It was late, and I thought, oh, I could just patch the pillow.  I do that a lot.  Stitch small cloth to pillows.  That it a great old floral isn't it?  A jungle of joyous growth.  A wild  beast could live there.

As I recall, I had the same thought here.

old beast becoming one with season

Cloth as place.

Anyway, here we are again.

a sense of warmth in late October

Still no hard freeze, some late indigo and marigolds anticipating some warmth  today.



  1. Pingback: Wintertime blues – NOT | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  2. Marigolds! One of my first favorites as a kid, still always has a place in my garden.
    The A feels to me like it’s held safe by infinity and radiating outward.

  3. Marilee

    Your colors today are just delicious, and that large floral behind the A is amazing, and that little flame stitch that you do is my favorite. I haven’t been following you for as long as some of the others so if it has a name, I’ve missed it and would appreciate knowing what you call it. I need to start embroidering more.

  4. laurie diamond

    “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking successive autumns.”
    George Eliot

  5. Carla

    We have had snow for 3 mornings in a row. Nothing that really sticks but so pretty with the fall colors. My two favorite seasons blended together. Love your color!

  6. Barbara

    It’s so true about mood and color perception!Realizing that I do that as well with my clothing choices. I think the Beast will be happy there.❤️

  7. Carrole

    The colours in the north of Ontario are spectacular. Almost neon reds and oranges. The hills are blazing with colour at the moment.
    Fall has a wonderful sense of drawing inwards, cooking yummy soups, squirrel time…gathering thoughts for winter.

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