No rain


  1. no rain here either … the triple digit heat is baking the already-dry ground, causing it to buckle and heave … the line has failed between the water main and our house, precious water running over the curb and down the street … thank goodness we live in the city limits where there are folks who can make it all right … and we’re not alone, as reports of multiple water main breaks have been on the local news

  2. Wow, you’re garden is going gang busters there! I didn’t realise it was so advanced.
    Middle of winter in the land down under. Coooold mornings – but happy to see each one arrive!

  3. Jude~ It’s odd how things go…I remember when you were floating, squishy with too much wet! We are hot and dry (drought & water restrictions) and back towards triple digits. Blech.
    I love the carmel coloring of the butterfly – with almost a ‘happy face’ pattern to it! And also the drops of other colors to the star. Sure looks fine over your way.

  4. Lynn

    Such wonderful flower photos, Jude. What is the name of the orange and yellow flowers? Never seen anything like them in Australia! Wish we could send you some rain too. We’ve had enough of La Nina which has caused so many floods and ruined so many towns and thousands of houses, once again, so there’s many thousands of homeless people here now. By December we’ll have dreadful fires again.

    • jude

      Marigolds. Mostly I cannot grow them here but in the sudden dryness, the slugs have disappeared.
      The climate is too wild…

  5. Oh, jude, thank you for you. You are living my dream with that garden and your artistry. You have a strong, deep and open way of thinking that is a comfort to me. Among my friends I seem to be the only “artist/maker”, so you can imagine what a gift you are to me. The work you have offered in threadcrumbs – delightful !!
    If you click on my comments name you can see a piece I am working on that mirrors your influence. ((Sorry about copying your mouth but it was what I needed so I took it.))
    Cheers !!

  6. We have rain coming for days and days, but I doubt if it will get clear across country to you. Hopefully you will get some soon!
    I so relate to your comments about needing a keyboard! That’s one reason I refuse to use a “Smart Phone”. If I can’t put all 10 digits in play, forget about it! Hope you find a solution soon.

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