Storm Watch

I love how the lamplight did that

Could go either way here.  The rain has begun.  But even without the wind, 2-4" of rain is just too much.   With wind, way too much.  Trees could pull right out of the already soggy ground.

maybe I like it better this way

We cleared the furniture from the porch just in case.  We need roof repair that hasn't happened yet.  So it needs to be cleared anyway.  Hoping to get that done when the weather cools.

I think, a small cloth day

Soul-o was right by my side early this morning. I picked up two loose patches,  wove a 9 right into one.  Thinking more about that.


Now, as I type this, the wind and rain are picking up but he has definitely decided not to worry. He is usually right.


  1. Sandra

    I like your cat face piece…how did you do that? Is it a photo transfer, did you paint it? It is great, and on the red, one could say you are not liking waiting to see what the storm might do…..a greenhouse roof sounds elegant….hope the storm will pass by gently..Oh, and I see the fish or cat, however one might visualize it, piece has sold….I found it so intriguing..

    • jude

      the face is stitched actually, on a loose dyed circle patch… I’m getting better.
      I didn’t sell this one, it seems to help me having it around.
      A clear roof would be great , adding light to the house as well and lending some off season growing options

  2. wishing you a safe space in the storm. I heard it went ashore in NH- i was thinking that phew- you were safe from it after your move from L Is. seems there’s always a storm brewing these days, or maybe it’s just me…
    we got a misty rain yesterday morning-completely unexpected. i went out and spent hours trimming in the garden and then read the paper out in the mist. xo

    • jude

      It’s worsening all of a sudden, I’ve about had it with rain…. but now wind expected later, and after all this rain, not good. Wild weather everywhere. At least we have a back up generator here.

      • Maria

        Stay safe Jude 🙏🌸🌻 we live on the top of quite a high hill .. so here in Qld we sometimes experiencewild weather and storms . There’s always stitching 😊🌼 Maria

  3. Thanks for posting Jude. I’ve been thinking of you so much and wondering how you are doing in your already drenched new homestead. Is the old place faring worse? I’m no good at understanding locations from the news reports, having never actually been there. Anyway, take care. Love this Soul-O pic! xo

      • Lynn Watson

        Jude, hoping you and your Man and Soul-O and your house are safe amid so much rain and wind. I trust your garden survives, too. We’ve had a lot of rain this season due to Nino but we’ve had some very sunny weeks in the middle of winter, which was a pleasant surprise. Back to winter the last couple of days with high winds and a temp drop. We’re in Sydney in hard lockdown due to The Plague, so staying home and getting on with an abstract embroidery (me) and painting (my sister). The convection panel heater is on and provides a comforting warmth. Take care, and best wishes.

  4. Barbara Weaver

    Darling Jude — from Brighton UK, where we did indeed have a hurricane, still referred to as‘The Storm’: no gory details here, just to say that I can empathise……take care & be well!
    Love from across the pond

  5. Marti

    May the roof hold but most of all, may you all be safe…waiting is hard, the imagination magnifies sights and sounds but you just have to hold steady, as you always do; you have to keep busy as you did with the 9 patch and you have to watch the calmness of Soul-O, as your warrior cat sets the tone…

    Experienced a tornado when we lived in TN, we went on auto-pilot doing what we needed to do to stay safe but it is not an experience I would ever want to repeat…this is by way of saying, that we get through whatever presents in the best way that we can…which is another way of saying, just going….

  6. Dakotah

    Cats keep it simple. Sleep eat play etc… I have always appreciated that. Been wondering about the roof situation. Thanks for the update.

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