Yesterday, today…

this is what it all has become


the paper form of Sanity

There were thoughts not caught.

But there was paper. The day began with paper.  Not just any paper.  A loose sheet of paper. Loose Leaf  paper.   A Loose Page with nothing on it.  But wait.  Squares.  This is a good start I thought. Yes.

There was also a lapse in Memory.  I left the stove on after making coffee for a long time. I do this a lot.  I suppose when thoughts are too loose they might be useless.  Anyway. after a lot of loose thinking,  some new ideas formed about me and books.  Since most of my how-tos for cloth making are already here, free, open, useful in the context of  that sort of thing, I began to think in another direction.   I do believe that I need to focus on the New.  Not the old.  The never seen before.  And there is, in fact, a lot of that.

Because even though I share here, there is always the Other. The lonely quiet path I use to connect the dots in  deeper space

What if I publish The Loose Pages?

Loose pages are like patches , in perspective.

sharing leaves a trace, even if it is nameless


And I think tow versions which includes a self published limited edition.  The reasons shall become clear.

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