Not Just

a big april moon through a dirty window at midnight

Sometimes it's the shitty photos that can inspire me.

Anyway, I've just been hangin'. Stewing. Being pissed off.  Big Spring moons bring out the bitch in me.

in sympathy with a determined moon

Left, where I left off, right a digital sketch.  But then  I reduced the size of the eye thing which I really like because it is built from nine.  The Eye of Nine could be a new symbol.

frame of mind

Another shitty photo.  Seems my own confusion is bleeding through these days.  Deb's (resource page)  sketchy thread here really feels like layers of old paint around the window frame.

hangin' in April

Where it's at now. Having just named it NOT JUST HOME.


  1. Appreciate the label of “determined moon” & love the jewel like shapes (seeds?) on the bottom. Bad photos over here, too, and the mood yesterday…. pushing through today.

  2. Jana

    The Eye of Nine reverberates through that house. And the all-seeing Moon. Whatever we look at is looking back at us. Maybe they are beholding each other.

  3. so glad to hear that i’m not the only one in a generally pissed off mood – and, of course, it’s the moon….needed the reminder. meanwhile making the local gov. as crazy as they are making me. onward

  4. I am enjoying your daily posts–gets the little gray cells in my brain and the pink cells in my heart working. Lat night’s moon was called the Pink Moon and was lovely. Your grumpy moon has so much character.

    • Deb VZ

      I saw bits and pieces of the pink moon as I drove to work yesterday morning and was disappointed in not seeing it in full – there was lots of cloud cover. It’s interesting to hear that others were in pissy moods yesterday as I was myself. Nothing was “right” even if there wasn’t something significantly wrong. The bright full moon accompanied me to bed last night and was visible from the bedroom window – I happy to have its company and made me wish that I lived somewhere where it felt safe to sleep beneath it. I’m not sure that I found a lighter side this morning…I could easily rant on many topics if anyone had the patience to listen, myself included.

  5. Sharon Koch

    that see-thru layer over the mooooon! grateful that you can be transparent with us, also, jude. not just “home alone”. ha! x

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