To Just Keep Going

lemon leaves and michelle's crystal


There were a few snowflakes.  But really it is just cold.  Below freezing  and quite cold for a few days.   The lemon seed I sprouted has become a small treeSoul-o rubs on the leaves and seems to like the smell.  Sits and sniffs the air.  I looked and thought they are both waiting for warmer days.

it's still spring...


we can continue...

I stitched a spring cabin yesterday.  I did a bit of video.  Made some audio notes, because there were a lot of thoughts.

I am going to do a test post for the Forever Zone.  To test commenting, video and audio formats and a few other things on private pages.  I will use you who already signed up way back  to see if everything is working. Before I open it up for April enrollment.   Access to the Zone will be on sale in the shop come April 1.

Have a good weekend,  I'll be busy and will be back on Monday  with a test post. And, as usual, a few caught thoughts.


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Categories: centering, Forever Zone, Log cabin block, sempathetic evolutionTags: , ,


  1. Mieke

    I love your finishing from the yellow flower and overhere it’s storming weather and cold too and in the little garden there are two colors too yellow and purple and ofcourse all green shades!
    I love spring.

    Enjoy your day

  2. Judith

    Soul-O and the lemon tree are waiting for warmer weather along with the rest of us. Give him a pet for me and tell him it will come.

  3. Winter blast today, for sure! HUGE wind! Rhu braved it for most of the morning, in and out, now he’s tucked up in his sleeping loft in the rafters. He was happy about the beautiful, sunny day, but snow again on the ground (just a dusting) and this WIND made him give up on the day early. Good luck with all the tech tests! Sunny, spring cabin there 🙂 ☀️

  4. Nancy

    Sweet Soul-O ❤️ Michelle has been in my thoughts this week. So many Spring blessings, when we’re able to look. Be well.

  5. Vicki

    Spring is full on here in Northern California with the past few days of sun and temps in the 60s. But still chilly! And changeable! Mother Nature in her whimsy! Enjoying it all yet wishing for more, human being-ness. Thank you, Jude.

  6. Judy

    It’s spring on the east coast of canada which means pretty much any weather can be expected including horizontal sleet. But the little buds are poking through the ground, the beech trees are showing signs of getting ready to leaf out eventually. See ya Monday!

  7. jess

    Yellow and blue together are beautiful. Flowers and sky. Also, spring is opening up for you faster than it is for us here and I love to see it, it’s like a preview. I’m excited to see this new class open up.

  8. Found the first of the asparagus, up about 2 inches. And there are a few dandelions. Definitely spring. 🙂 Had fun looking at the deeper layers of your words this morning, “W is for way.”

  9. kirsten

    the yellow with the indigo is stunning and reminds me of daffodils in the spring. ours are out in full bloom along with hyacinths.

    like you we have warm days and then cold days which is probably most like spring. teasing us of the warmth to come but reminding us that winter still hangs around.

    i may have to try lemon seeds next time i have a fresh one.

    • jude

      the first flowers in spring here are either yellow or purple, they compliment each other,,,
      The back and forth always reminds me of the softness of edges. To see them that way.
      Lemon is easy to grow, and you can get lemons indoors if there is enough light. Not here though unless I put more windows.

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