Maybe 9 times…

just warm enough

another cabin circle...

I like this circle game.

I'm a bit backed up on answering emails.  Be patient with me.

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Categories: centering, Log cabin blockTags: ,


  1. I hope you’re getting the early spring- like weather we’re getting here; it seems like you usually get warmth before we do.
    You suggested to me once on instagram to make log cabins when I got stuck for what to work on, and you’re right; they’re habit forming in the best way.
    To you and everyone who reads this: have a peaceful night.

  2. Elizabeth Godin

    Such softness…the bare trees awaiting the growth of color once again.
    Ensuring the continuance of promise and hope. My spriit is anew from
    the beauty and the promise of optimism.

    Enjoy the arrival.

  3. Mary Kenesson

    Your work, and your thoughts, inspire me to create and to think. But this photo of your porch is a constant inspiration to just settle, listen to the sounds and silence, and breathe. Contentment.

  4. The circle within the square; the square within the circle. Such a rich history of symbolism — the spiritual & the material. What a wonderful interplay of so many thoughts and designs! Thank you for setting me off wondering, pondering.

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