The Next Day

In paper world...

even a sense of magic is here.

the circle, the dot, the moon  and waves

and my safety net, the square, nine of them.


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Categories: components, just going, Oneness, PAPER WORK, Symbols and MotifsTags: , ,


  1. Jen

    The sea, the sea, the glorious sea…
    Laughing and splashing it’s waves for thee….
    (& Transformative Going!!)

    I have spent most of my life near some body of water; even the decade of mountains ( Magnificent lake) and the decade of desert ( a slow meandering muddy river nearby) and all the times before and after; coastal waters.

    We February people crave that, don’t we?

  2. Suzanne Bolton

    I like the idea that transformation and β€˜what already is’ coexist – I see that in your waves (what is) and the creatures emanating from them (transformation).

    • jude

      yes, it is a relief to accept that it is all there, maybe new eyes is all we need. or patience. Life is short so new eyes are such a gift to oneself.

  3. I have loved and enjoyed your work for years – and really have been touched by the painting here….
    I have a space I work in facing through a lovely old window at the Tett Centre on Lake Ontario and I look out at the water every day – the water and sky speak… your work does as well!

    • jude

      ah Bethany, thanks for saying…
      I so miss looking out at the water, or even just taking a short trip to the ocean. I love it here, but ultimately I think we will try to move back near the sea.
      Water and sky, yes, they sing…

  4. June-Etta Chenard

    I appreciate seeing the way your vision of this evolved. I so enjoy your thinking, your kind sharing of your process, your philosophical musings, your beautiful art works, and ‘you’ yourself. I like your comment that “maybe it will seem different to me by just thinking about it differently”. I can relate since I have two drawers of “in progress” pieces and every once in a long while, I look at them and am am able to think about at least one of them differently.

    • jude

      hey, good to hear from you!
      It’s life, which seems to be the path to knowing life better. I have been thinking about moving to paper for a while, then feeling sad about leaving clothwork behind, but then, poof, I see it right there. The whole process is there, especially the love.

  5. Love all the different waves, especially though the one on the right side in the middle with the curving peaks. And yes, that it might be one thing, an ocean, but transforming…

  6. Jana Jopson

    The Sea of Love, Ocean Momma … sparkling moments of consciousness glittering in the sunlight … Life … Possibilities … Fluidity

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