Just Home, Just being there…

Heat Wave I called it.

how it seems

just here

Just here, sweating.  Stitching.

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Categories: design mending, Just HomeTags: , ,


  1. Helen salo

    Twenty minutes after 12:00 and all your art was sold😩very popular, sought after artist❤️👏🏻 I just wanted to add to what I have before you no longer decide to sell anymore. Do you take special orders? I know, probably not..but no harm asking 😊

    • jude

      Oh Helen, thank you as always for your kind words. I hope to be still kickin’ for a while… though I may switch my thought catching to paper. I thought my arthritis would keep me down but I seem to be ok for now. I may stop blogging at one point, just to limit screen time and save my eyes… but we’ll see. I don’t handle the stress of commitment when it comes to making. It just stops me from dreaming. Thank you for asking tho….❤️

  2. Kathy

    The small sky gives me a big smile! It’s the first thing that jumped out at me. We lesser mortals would have stretched it out to make a traditional ho-hum landscape. You are a true artist 🙂

  3. Looking at this, I can feel the heat! Remembering melting during a summer in Nebraska… With the sides ghosted, it appears that the nine are reaching further, making the connection with the house and sky above stronger. Wishing you breezes.

  4. I love the ghosting flames and everything else about this one. I feel the heat and moisture; the way you have transmogrified your living environment into a story in cloth.

  5. sarita

    Nice piece expressing the vulnerability of Home & Earth. The coolness above the sun hinting at the changing season. The drying out of the earth below. I love how you find hints of images in the fabric & use them to tell a story. Storytelling is so important for us women!
    Our home on Earth is vulnerable. Yet the aliveness of the changing season with late blooming butterfly bush, hummingbirds & bumblebees & bird songs. We & nature remain resilient. Peace.

      • Nancy D

        Perfect name, Jude. Our Mother Earth is on fire…or under water…
        Here, highs now in the 80s…thank goodness. Your textile art is a beautiful piece, a discussion piece!

        • Jen

          Such a flip-flopped world; you have OUR weather 🤦‍♀️
          Still pushing 90 here, and a bit humid ( almost always) but the nights are thankfully cooler ( it’s all relative) and there IS a teeny tiny of Fall…altho we are now at the peak of hurricane season, and WHAT!? “Lee” might make landfall in Maine/Nova Scotia!??

          No stitching today…(but itching to!!) …still working in the studio.

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