My pace has slowed




Pace slows.  Everybody knows.

Probably I have listened to too much Leonard Cohen.

As slow as I go, though, a pattern always emerges. Pattern might be considered a kind of reach.  Or then,  maybe the opposite. Does repetition  strengthen, or dilute?


  1. Dhyana Winant

    Golly gee, slow is the word. It holds a new definition for me now at age 69. Slow is my solace, my mentor, my friend. Slow gives me space to feel the electric awareness in being slow. It helps me see that my life ,which seems mundane on the outside, can be a dynamic adventure within me.
    Your work, your blog, has quickened in me a deep love of making. I thank you with all my heart.

  2. Ksozgirl

    Reminds me of the old nursing folk tale that ethnic you stand in the shower long enough your heart will beat in rhythm to the pulse of the water… I need to spend more time stitching so I feel the beat (autocorrect said beast) better.

  3. Pattern is quick to emerge and sometimes I disrupt it on purpose. Yet it turns out to become part of a bigger pattern developing. A repetition, like a spiral, and a rhythm. I’ve gotten more used to it being slow.

  4. JayJay

    You ask about repetition. It has the ability to be rote, mindless and habitual. But it is also a form of deepening, a meditation, a devotion. Often at the same time.

    I know it is not a coincidence that repetition also relates to rhythm which you pondered earlier. Virginia Woolf wrote “…this is very profound, what rhythm is, and goes far deeper than any words. A sight, an emotion, creates this wave in the mind, long before it makes words to fit it.”

    I love this about stitching (and some of my other pursuits) – often the stitches emerge and then connections are made and the piece develops. I see this in your process and it always amazes me how you can share this. It involves being awake and dreaming at the same time.

  5. Bethanne

    I’ve lost my password for the Forever site or it’s not working…
    Please advise!
    I hate technology!!!

  6. Beth from Still Life Pond

    Repetition could be expansive. What at first glance seems sameness turns into infinite subtle variation.

  7. Jen

    The inside is as amazing as the outside.
    Slow is good, we need to practice that more, I think.
    What’s the hurry?

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