Distracted and Disappointed…

The rain has stopped, for now, the chill has subsided somewhat, and it is spring as I have known it.  A green haze of new growth forming.  Chard is happily growing,  And Magnolia has done her best to show up.

And I feel the same somehow.

Maybe you have noticed my usual energy and joy have been missing.  Those of you who know me. (What a strange thing that can be, to assume, in this Web World)

I have had some horrible interactions here (and elsewhere lately)   and they have hurt me.  I also understand where my old slow style no longer fits into the Zoom and IG (instant gratification) world.  And finally, I can say, I just don't care.  enoughDo I need more than this?

Here we are, symbolically. Gathered. Holding a circle. Of cloth here, a small thing Michelle sent way back,  and Nancy's seed boat,  and me the snail, and old bell that still rings,  and all you, the lions in my life. Parked on a slice of walnut from a downed tree here, a gift from the tree guy who has lived in this nowhere town forever and never shows up when he says he will.  But shows up all the same.

Today I looked again and saw this cloth weeping.  And I felt I knew why.  And then I saw rain.  And understood how necessary that is.  And I felt Free. Going to a bit of Free Storming today, redefinition is so needed.

I need to put a ragmate list here,  A PlaceKeeper.   It got lost in the shuffle.


  1. Wendy

    I am one of those who are here to stay. I’m so very sorry that you have been hurt by others. You are such a giving person with your creative side and your life as a whole. I have learned so much from you over the years about my own creative voice. Thank you for sharing, because at the end of the day you don’t have to, but you do. I for one appreciate it very much. Shame on the ones that are mean and hateful. Unfortunately they must not have happy fulfilled lives. Just know that you are appreciated by those of us who embrace truly embrace you. Big hugs sent your way along with thoughts and prayers for peace for you,

  2. Joy

    your work has opened a whole new world for me, a new world aside from the traditional quilt making designs. Now, my traditional work has a new dimension, and the more open, more free work I do has been so fulfilling. You inspired me to express myself more freely with more color, more creative design, more interest, more texture, and more feeling. Thank you! You are a teacher! And I am sorry for you being hurt by others words. That’s no fun… even though we try to shrug off those sorts of attacks and tell ourselves they don’t matter, they still hurt. Your photos bring me such peace. Thank you.

  3. I’m here. I expect to remain. Sometimes I hang back and lurk, sometimes I join in. I try to read every day, and always catch up if I miss some days. If I’m not here for a while (and this is true of the long absence a few years ago) it is not because of you or what you say, do or teach, but because of my life circumstances, or maybe just my own distractibility.
    What you have created here, the ragmates you’ve drawn in, is not all that common, sadly, even IRL. I’ve belonged to groups where everyone is polite, but there is no real connection. Some had connection, but were closed to newcomers, even though verbally welcoming. So many are really all about the originator selling something, which has its place, but it’s a different thing. When I first started commenting here (and on other ragmates’ blogs I found thru here) I felt like an interloper, but I was NEVER treated like one. Not by you or anyone else. Social media can be useful, but isn’t for real connections. They may not be fast or protracted, but there are real conversations on this blog.

    So, I plan on staying and consider you and other ragmates friends.

    Thank you!

  4. Shishi

    Here’s another hug from a loyal follower. ❤️❤️❤️
    You have made such a difference in our lives.

    Mother Nature will continue to wrap her arms around us in this loving circle.

  5. How can I add more to all the wonderful comments here? The very first one describes my feelings perfectly. I love your work and I love you dearly!

  6. Maja Stone

    I had no idea that there was a whole community of lurkers! I have been lurking for years and have learned so much from you and your wisdom. I have turned other friends on to you and they love you, too. I think that there is a lot of pain in people who lash out at others. And, often, they just lash out at the first person who crosses their path.
    You have brought me daily joy through difficult times and I can’t imagine a morning without finding out what Jude is up to. You are a form of meditation for me – your quiet ways, the way you express yourself, and the wonderful way you build your creations. You have so much to offer all of us. You are well loved.


  7. Joyce Leatherwood

    I know you have a lot of comments here and may never see this but I just want to say, I am one of those people who are in and out of your world and somewhat of a lurker rather than active participant. HOWEVER, your world has enriched mine beyond measure and, although my life is happily busy right now, there was a time when I really needed to find you and have you as a touchstone for so many reasons. Because, in real life it is difficult to find kindred spirits. I’ve said it before, but I will say it again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing what you share and being who you are. I hope you continue to do so, but if you choose not to, that’s okay too. I don’t know how to leave a heart or I would, so I will just say… sending hugs!

  8. Jude Misurelli

    Oh Jude….
    I don’t know what to say….
    I am just grateful to be doing my “earth walk” with you as a part of it.
    Thank you, thank you so….
    Mr. Rogers would tell children (as he said his mother told him),
    “look for your helpers when you need them”….
    (and here some of yours are….
    May you drink deep….
    another Jude,
    Jude M.

  9. Sharan

    I cannot add much to what has already been said other than blessed are we, am I, is the world by your presence and way of being. I can echo carroleb’s comments about “digging a deep well” for it gives water to thirsting spirits – and that Jude is the gift you offer so generously here in this group.

  10. Jude, everyone has already spoken all my words, wonderful, truthful words, filled with Love and appreciation for you and what you do for all of us. Don’t waste your time and energy on the trouble makers. they are not worth it. Just know we are all here for you all the time and just keep on being Jude for us.

  11. Sally Petheram

    Thank you Jude for your generosity, creativity, wonderful example and the love you spread by doing what you do. I have been following from a distance for years and always will.

  12. Rene

    Dear Jude, I think loss of joy has affected a lot of us one way or the other. My creativity is what sustains me-that and love of family, although we are strewn far and wide. The connection is always there. I love your posts so much, not least of all those that contain my favourite cat-he of the pointy ears last time I looked!!!!!!

  13. Here late, read comments…all I can think of to say is love. Love you Jude.
    “We’ll eat you up, we love you so…” hugs from one of your wild things. xo

  14. Joan Hinchcliff

    Hurt can leave such an empty space, I hope that all our love can replace that emptiness. Fragile…I think so many of us feel that these days.

  15. Mary Ellen Fresquez

    As some have previously said, I, too, am a lurker. I continue to be amazed at how much you share, how often you share and your honesty that always shines through. Thank you for helping me to slow down. Life has been better for me since I found you.

  16. MaryJo Fisher

    Echoing everyone else’s positive comments—catching the wave!
    Hard to fathom anyone going out of their way to be mean–why bother? it must suck and be sad, being them.
    I come because I’m glad you’re here, I like what you do, how you go about it, and how you think about it; and I appreciate the company, your neighborhood, here. A quote I like, remembered from The Handmaid’s Tale—“Don’t let the bastards get you down.” May your heart be light , and the good work continue, and thanks.

    • Vi

      ….all I can say as a relatively new follower of your work and what you have to say….it’s this wonderful slow style which you gift us… summoning up sights, sounds , which open possibilities in our minds and take us on a journey. Your art is often to me, a striking interruption of linear thinking….and I am happy for that.

      …and yes…there is so much toxicity and it takes a lot to stay with our natural self…as hurtful as the experience is…it deserves a metaphoric hug and deep knowing that the folks who connect stay connected and as to with the rest…well……(I am terribly tempted not to be polite:) )

        • carroleb

          Digging a deep well. An old teacher once said that to me and I believe this. So much misunderstanding, miscommunication, smallness and pettiness in the world, and understanding seems superficial in many areas.
          We are here with you digging a deep well, a deeper understanding of who we are and what we do.
          Thank you for being a light on the path. The light will always attract the dark.

  17. Pat Cooper

    I am another “lurker” I don’t post much to anything, but I am sorry you were hurt, it is easy to say “Ignore them” much harder to heal your heart. I am learning from you, slowly, which is wonderful. I have slowed waaaay down and mostly do hand stitching and I love your style. You are unique and some people just cannot handle that – carry on.

  18. Aloha Jude!
    Slow and steady wins the race. Everyday you show up, even if you don’t want to. Almost 2 years ago I started a slow stitching project because of your work. It has been inspiring, challenging, and an incredible creative journey. I cannot thank you enough for creating this community. If you think we aren’t listening…as you can see from all the comments..we are here and we are strong. Onward!

  19. Carol Rookstool

    My little ol’ ragmate heart aches when you have one of “those times”. I am sending you deep affection and appreciation for sharing your journey with me, and all the other ragmates in your life. Sometimes the journey is full of bumps that are painfully familiar to us all. We just keep going.
    My grandson says, “Jude sure has a lot of peeps.” I think “peep” is a good thing to have. Jude, you have a lot of ragmate peeps with you on the journey. Your peeps love you!

  20. Mary

    Ohhh —- sure is a challenging, seducing world out there.
    I simply want to say Thankyou from my heart because your sharing has been such a gift inspiring me over many years to follow my own path. Maryonawhim

  21. Anne Thompson

    Usually do not comment but after feeling the hurt and disappointment in your words made it a necessity to say a few.
    You are a master at what you so willingly give to us. Thank you so very much for sharing your story with your wonferful talents. You are one of a kind in this world.
    The beauty in going – is really scarry in today’s life but in just reading your words changes the darkness for us all to regain strength to keep going.
    Love, blessings and strength

  22. I echo what Linda said about quietly following what you choose to reveal about your work and your life. I don’t say much, in general, ia void ssmall talk and phone calls. mostly. Jude, you are much appreciated. I am grateful for your willingness to share. It is a valuable connection. a few years ago i came across your body of work through my interest in cloth and imagination . stay well, Mahalo.

  23. Helen Lee

    You are loved in this house Jude Hill ❤
    With you however you go xxxx
    The nasty naysayers can go swivel.
    Sending a big hug.

    • Helen Lee

      Mark just listened to your audio here. He said “I needed that.” He agreed with everything you said. So do I of course.
      I’ve been thinking about you…and what it comes down to for me is, that knowing you makes my world a better, richer place. Thank you, you dear lady ❤❤❤

  24. I’ve been gone most of the day (doing little errands) so I came home to this interesting conversation. I am grateful for the internet, for connecting to you, your work and story…no matter what form it shows up each day. Do it whatever it comes to you. Listen to your inner voice and trust it. The universe gives up directions, instructions, nudges at the last minute and just in time for what we need. The more we trust that urge the more perfect it becomes. You already know this stuff. Me, too. We don’t need to rearrange anything unless we follow a nudge that tells us to do it. Stick around as long as you can in this “internet space”.

  25. Wyonne Bucheit

    I DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENEDTO HURT YOU I AM SORRY I really get so disappointed with people and then someone smiles or says let me help you etc. I become encouraged once again I look forward everyday to hear from you. I tell myself. see wyonne you do have a friend. thankyou for being wyonne

  26. Corinne

    Sending Love to you Jude and Everyone in this lovely Circle.
    Weeding makes space for beauty and fruitfulness. It’s OK to be fragile. Wherever we are is where we need to be.

  27. Janice

    At the age of almost 70, I have felt a shadow fall across humankind. It seems to me that is why so many (women, makers, those seeking a simpler life) of us have left the cities behind…moved to the edges, tracks of solitude, the wild places. And we pray for the return of peace and kindness. You are so appreciated by many, many — never doubt that.

  28. Lisa Thomson

    Judith, thank you for your honest perspectives both in life and in cloth. But today in life, specifically Instagram. I am so overwhelmed with it. I feel frozen. Sharing our creative work, via instagram, takes our work from inside our hearts and puts it ‘out there’ and it loses some value along the way IMHO. I’m sorry you are feeling the negativity flowing to you. Your cloth, art, is absolutely stunning and the fact that you share so generously is amazing. I am a beginner sewer and you have inspired me with every post. I don’t comment much but today I just wanted to say hear, hear. Well said, Jude.

  29. Jane Edler-Davis

    Jude, so many comments have already been written. I am a lurker. Albeit a daily lurker who really appreciates what you share with all of us! Many years ago, your teachings totally changed how I think about things not having to be perfect. And because of you, I was able to make some slow, quiet quilts. They would not have been possible before. So while others may criticize… I can only praise! Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do! Sending love and calm, peaceful thoughts!

  30. Lou

    We’re all different now, times have changed. I know this and I glimpse my old self for a moment, feel what it was like to be her. But I’m not, it’s not.others are not either. I don’t think we’ve made sense of recent times yet, affecting us all, our expectations, interractions. And yet I want to pick up where I left off. But i feel differently about everything/ one. I’m still here, we both moved house, I’m still settling. The web exposes us to people we would never otherwise choose to share time with. You can only be you. I looked at Insta the other day and I thought how generic things become as they merge through exposure and amalgamate. Sending warm spring light through green flickering leaves and a hush breeze of peace.

    • “the web exposes us to people we would never otherwise choose to share time with”……there’s something really worth spending some time thinking about in this statement….thank you for it.
      i would not expect to go to anyplace, a grocery store, a gathering of extended family, a community event and imagine that i would click with everyone there and/or they with me. or even a large number of them or maybe even more than one or two. And i also wouldn’t feel
      compelled to click their like button or write in their comment box if we
      had these pinned to our chests. I think it’s the anonymity of the screen.
      and because so much of our lives is now lived On the screen.
      anyway…thanks for saying this.

    • Mary Park

      I hurt with you, I just read a quote on Pinterest, that says “I want to be nice, but some people are so stupid”, you have so much beauty inside and out, don’t forget that.

  31. Jen NyBlom

    Holy shit.
    What the heck is wrong with people!??
    So sorry, and sending MUCHO Love & Hugs.
    We all love you.
    ( Everyone here already said all the stuff, so there’s not much for me to add, ha😘)

    • Kath

      Your generous sharing brought me back to stitching, slowly, soon after retiring into a quarantine. Your thoughts & skills have been soothing & motivating during a strange time. I see from these remarks, I’m not the only one. Thank you.
      May you feel safe & strong, healed & appreciated.

  32. CJ

    The lions are roaring! Here to protect your heart! Thank goodness it all comes with a delete button to weed the crap. But some days gheez one needs a shovel. Lv you for being here with all your goodness! 🦁💛

  33. Sue in Calgary

    I come here for the “just going” – the break from my busy days and just wanting a moment of peace, quiet and kindness. I show up lurking and happily seep into the feeling of being wrapped in warm blanket, feet by the fire, cat curled up in a comfy spot. Jude, you have created this oasis and I am so glad to be here! I like that “Forever” isn’t a race and the pace is great for wandering around with sparks of ideas from week to week. It’s not a course, it’s a place for kindred spirits to gather. But I can see, from what I have seen on the Internet, how some would want to make it something else just because it isn’t what they want.

  34. Sally jo

    I feel sad to learn about this situation and truly understand your hurt. Rising above these kind of people can be more than challenging but I admire you honest feelings. Take care and I will be a faithful follower ….

  35. Jude, you have my love, my respect, and my cast iron frying pan to wield anytime you need them. I hope you have an easy time letting go of the nastiness so you can embrace the sweetness. Gentle hearts need time to do this.

  36. I want to thank all the ragmates who took the time today to share your love of Jude and our community. I kept wanting to “like” knowing that’s the whole point: say something more, something personal. But age, covid lockdowns, and much self immersion in daily artistic expression has created a me that wants to do anything but talk. And yet, if I don’t, how will you know what I (we) feel. Just know Jude that I too am here every day sitting by that beautiful fire, walking the wooded paths with you. Loving all the beauty of the life you make and share with us.

    • Mary Park

      I hurt with you, I just read a quote on Pinterest, that says “I want to be nice, but some people are so stupid”, you have so much beauty inside and out, don’t forget that.

  37. Pamela

    Jude, I’ve followed you work for a long time and love all that you do. Sorry you’ve had a bad time, I send you hugs with the power of my mind!
    (My daughters love that lol!)

  38. Ksozgirl

    Here’s what I know. My Wiki as it were.
    1. People are mean.
    2. Mean people suck.
    3. Karma is having a drink and sharpening her claws and will be with them shortly.
    4. Bring yourself is more important than being important to others.
    5. Learners who do not learn from teachers are responsible for their own demise.
    5. You are incredible, truthful and soulful. I appreciate your artistry and understanding of the world snd the beauty in it.

  39. Ah Jude. I’m reading through your comments and feel the protective response of circle you have created. We don’t like that you have been attacked (what?!!) and rise to reassure you. You have a huge following of people who treasure what you offer. Just Keep Going. Love to you.

  40. ha! anyone entering into negative feedback on SM with you is sailing on waters of hostility on a ship of fools. cut them free and let them drift out to sea. you and we all here know…
    looking forward to some cleansing and life giving rain here in a couple of days!
    and the amarillis are blooming mightily here!

  41. People who think they know better or best will find out that there are mountains more that they don’t know . . . about themselves and others. I’ll just happy trundle along reading, watching, listening, going mmm in agreement or mmm? in wonder. I’ve been very happy with our dipping in and out ‘friendship’’ over the years, or maybe it’s decades now, I don’t know . . . and does it matter?

  42. Laura Rylander

    Jude. I have been here nearly every day since the treehouse quilt, I think. You are an artist, clever and wise. And I thank you for your blog, where you share your art, thoughts, and photography. Thank you for generosity of heart. We appreciate you for being you!
    XOXOXOXOXO forever!

  43. Deb VZ

    Jude, your blog posts and photos are such a peaceful oasis for so many of us….especially now when life seems even more chaotic and beyond our control. This is a resting space…and to know that it isn’t always that way for you is a sad thing. As so many have already said, and said better, I am just very grateful for everything lesson, gift of inspiration and beauty that you have so freely given. Wishing you warm days, soft cloth and smooth thread.

  44. sharon

    an old beatles tune comes to mind… “i look at you all, see the love there that’s sleeping… i look at the floor and see it needs sweeping… i don’t know why nobody told you how to unfold your love… i don’t know how someone controlled you, they bought and sold you. i don’t know how you were diverted, you were perverted too. i don’t know how you were inverted. no one alerted you… still my guitar gently weeps…” sooooooo sorry for your pain, jude. hope you can sense our great, great love for u.

  45. Ashley Dedin Carlson

    I’m what I guess you would call a youngin’. I’m 33 and my “business” is in website design & graphic design but I tend to stay away from “social media” for many of the reasons you expound. I think you are so correct about the downsides of IG and I am grateful to be here and to have your musings as a touchstone and a reminder to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n. Following your work and being in the Forever Zone feels like a connection to deep wisdom that I lack in real life. I appreciate you sharing all that you do.

  46. Anita

    “These are times that try one’s soul” (or something like that) It’s sad but true that any circle has a weak link, and then there are the unhappy “bombers” who will be unhappy wherever they go. They should leave quietly. The door to leave is the same as the one they entered by. We are happy here, and they will not be missed. ((((Hugs)))) to you Jude. You are appreciated.

    • Gillian

      The ‘slowness’ of this space is what draws me to it. Impatience and instant gratification have no place here; an oasis of calm and a place to be real in a crazy world…

  47. Bridget Ely

    Oh Jude .. I’m a deliberate technophobe but an erstwhile textile lover and the ether has somehow miraculously connected us ! .. even I have observed and understand your comments though .. however let’s not forget the overwhelming beauty of cloth , cats and chard .. that much we understand .. love from my spot in the uk in this strange old world .

  48. Arden

    👋🏻Reaching out to touch your hand!
    “Reach out and touch
    Somebody’s hand
    Make this world a better place
    If you can” 💖

  49. Becky McQueen

    I feel your pain about horrible interactions. I am in love with my home, the land and the animals, but ….people break my heart.

  50. Victoria L Orem

    I don’t comment much, but it is amazing to me how similar your life is like mine, even where you live, it looks like my place here in Ohio. Anyhoo, I just love you Jude, I save all your posts and re-read them, I love listening to your voice and reading your words because they calm me down and help me to connect to that part of my heart that says, “make something beautiful!” Thanks for all you do!

  51. Monica Jo

    jude, I follow your site through Feedly, and I see it as an oasis of heart and mindfulness. That is, when I can make myself slow down enough to click through. Because, alas, I am still tied to the too-fast mainstream for now.

    Being ourselves is how we find our people.

  52. Jana

    Gathering the Circle. A sacred, holy place, the circle. I am joining hands with all of your Circle friends here, touching skin, transmitting love and a sense of safety. Reminding ourselves that nothing others do is because of us – it’s a projection of their own reality. You are appreciated and I’m sure adored — take that to the Bank of Truth.

      • Dee

        I’m so sorry to hear this. How dare they? I want you to know that even your response to this unfair adversity teaches me more about myself. You bring so much heart and mind to al that you do and make and say. The exhausting ick factor of social media, even absent malice, is worth rethinking, isn’t it?

  53. Mieke

    Dear Jude, sending love out to you and please if you ever want to talk,scream or whatever, know I am here for you.
    Hey, open your arms and catch this big hug with love.

  54. Judy

    Jude, I’m another loyal but quiet follower. I don’t say much but I’m always here being so thankful that you are too. Be well dear one in spite of the nasty energy out there.

  55. Marci Glenn

    Oh Jude, thank you for your truth. I have been following you and your work for years. I have one of your original black and white stitched feathers on indigo that I keep on the wall in my art room to remind me of the gift of the feather and your slow stitched truths.
    I look forward to your posts and enjoy revisiting all of the classes that you have so lovingly shared.
    I wish you Peace and Joy. Onward!

  56. Aida Sheets

    I echo what Lindaq said about quietly following what you choose to reveal about your work and your life. I don’t often say much, but you are appreciated, and I am grateful for your willingness to share. It is a valuable connection. Thank you.

  57. Greta wells

    I’m here again today. A good place for Cloth,Thoughts, shared humor. Thanks too for The Man’s Magic. I’ll be here again tomorrow.

  58. June Etta

    I just wrote a long comment that accidentally got deleted. Not feeling very well so I won’t re-write it. I will just say that both the hurtful and the loving are part of our human condition. I’m glad you have so much love and support here. And, Victoria, the song is “Anthem” by Leonard Cohen. 💞

  59. Rita M. Hollingsworth

    Just continue to be “Jude” and just “OK” to anyone who doesn’t like where you are going in your work, or what you are saying. My mom, told me “you don’t have to like everyone, and everyone doesn’t have to like you”…..how true. The people to “get” you, get you, the rest can just go fuck off, and find someone else. You have tons of people who appreciate your work and especially ……you…..and your obvious joy in the little things, like slowly putting a needle in some fabric….a simple thing, but EPIC❣️

  60. Jan Rowan

    So many times I have said to myself……Jude has just so perfectly described how I feel…..and I feel so connected……thank you for being who you are and for what you give to us!

  61. Gail

    Another one just quietly here. Who appreciates you. Your work, your words. All I can give back is good thoughts and a wish for peace for you. Thank you

  62. Marti

    Rain, tears, freeing and cleansing…
    You are so much more than Instagram, Facebook, etc. For me, here, this place, has always been a place where I can come and find the real of life. I don’t come all that frequently but when I do, it is not just to seek knowledge of cloth but to also share in this community that you have given us Jude. No pretense, no frills, just a place of being, in every sense of that phrase, and I always come away feeling gifted…

    Having always been on the fringe of the cloth community, i.e. I don’t blog, do not do Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any of that, I quietly and at times, wordily, show up, when I feel the need to connect. You have always found a place for me and it is this quiet acceptance that has meant the world to me. Through you, I have found friends in this community, I have found sharing, caring, intriguing discussions, important ideas, reassurance, silly moments and to me, it is all life, full circle, respectful, kind, Life.

    No matter all of the changes in direction in this blog, you show up and because you do, we show up and you are why we do…All the rest, the trappings of these places on the internet, , to me, more often than not, are just window dressing…

  63. Lindaq

    I have become a lurker on your site and a couple of other old friends here. I never say much, I don’t get involved but I don’t go away either. I follow your life and your stitching and I keep mine close to home with no show. I think we all got swept away by it all but the reality of it isn’t what we want. We just want friends and acknowledgment of who we are. Thanks for being real.

  64. victoria

    Your bell reminded me of this quote:

    “Ring the bells that still can ring
    Forget your perfect offering.
    There’s a crack in everything
    That’s how the light gets in”

    Can’t remember who wrote it???????

  65. I’ll be your loyal follower as long as you’re posting. Even as I know it’s not the same as personal connection. I always ask myself “but will they come to my funeral?” (even if I don’t plan to have a funeral…). But connection with you and your work is really important to me. Fundamental.

    • jude

      ha, funeral, we were just talking about that, such a strange thing to consider. but being lowered into the earth, the beauty in that.

  66. I really appreciated what you were saying about connection, and if it is really there. First off, I love your blog – have followed for many years now, and you are always worth reading, listening to, watching in my opinion. I do love blogs, and miss that more people have moved away from blogging in favor of the quick sound bite or photo without getting in to the “nuts and bolts” of what they are doing. I blog, I have a facebook account – mostly to connect with other creators – I post on IG – but to blog is my best opportunity to share what I love to do, and that is why I continue to follow you and a few others. I think I know what you would have said but didn’t… and I totally agree! Hugs, and thank you for sharing who you are and what you do so very well!

  67. Linda

    There’s are those of us who enjoy your works, and love the inspiration, but are silent and taking it all in. I hope we don’t lose you!

  68. JoAnn Sahs

    Jude, I’m quietly here…..I appreciate your words and your talent. You have a beautiful piece of MOTHER EARTH and I can see that you respect her………Thank you. JoAnn

  69. Janet Wright

    Well–well said. I never have gotten into Instagram—no–I do not like instant “anything’. I want depth–of feeling–of observation — of friendships. Imagine my surprise when most of the people I know–don’t want depth. So–I am weeding those people out of my life. I am 76 and don’t have time to waste on them.
    I do check this site every day–sometimes I go back to other posts and just think. Thank you–for just being you–deep and human.

      • Kay

        So get your reflections and appreciate where you are coming from today and your work and thoughts over the years. I say in virtual spaces where I feel a connection. I have felt so connected with your work and voice over the years – dipping in and out as I go on my own journey. Stay well Jude.

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