how one thing becomes another

I stitched a bit this morning, did a video that didn't work out, and now , really, I need a few days to do my taxes.

I like how the little nine, (my safety net)   was transferred to the different elements in this story.  How the alignment isn't a straight line and how that leads the eye anyway.  And the top one looks as if it is evolving into an eye.

I could call this Transference.


  1. Jana

    So glad I opened this one. Love the blossoms or cotton candy flowers falling from the cloud. Beast glad. 🙂 All the comments cheered my heart! Taxes done last week (had to mention since we all seem to be reporting in). 🙂

  2. jeri

    Sorry the video didn’t work out, but I do have your old ones which I enjoy visiting over and over again.
    We just got our taxes to the accountant yesterday, a load off my mind.
    And this weekend we devoted ourselves to having a yard sale. We kept it super simple and it was great to lighten the load. We likely will do it again next week, it’s set up in the garage, so easy, just open the door… and then they will come…
    And now for some sitting and stitching.
    Enjoy your evening!

  3. sharon

    love how the stitched 9-patch feels woven. the weft-like “walking stitch”. how the eye-dea floats off, swept into another orbit… x

  4. Kristin

    The pull of vision from one partial nine patch to the next is wonderful 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💖it is getting me to spend some time looking closely at different parts of the construct. So delightful 💖

  5. Vi

    Yes..that certainly feels most eye-like. Seemingly saying many things most quietly.:):)
    Quite magical how one thing shifts and changes into another…and then, another!

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