A Way

Just trying to remember where I was. And then realizing in a way I am still here.

For the record.  This is the handwritten version of my first blog post.  A time when I was still in a relationship with paper.  But was embarking on a new  Quest/Journey into clothmaking.

And today, I have found a way to  go forward and back at the same time. Just that concept itself erases time in a way as a limitation.

I have officially begun on the Book Project.  Please know that this blog is a way for me to collect my thoughts and organize them as well as a soon to be daily journal.  I will be here till I have completed this project.  There are two levels to this Journey.  The out in the open  and then the behind the scenes.  You may encounter some private page links in the pop-ups.  Just ignore them for now.  I have not decided when, how or IF to offer access or not.

a green feather bed

The down slope from the house toward the forest is now covered in ferns. I am transplanting a few to the kitchen side hill. I know from experience they spread like crazy.


  1. That hillside of ferns is amazing! I am envious but then I know it must be fairly wet for them to grow like that and – ticks! – no thanks. Had my fill of those. I am trying to grow a couple of ferns = we will see.
    And the book – so happy for you – just take it one chapter at a time – what is that joke about the elephant? How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Sorry – hanging out with a 9 yr old involves a lot of jokes. 😁

    • jude

      I love your sense of humor.
      the ferns here grow where most of the rain run off flows down into the woods.
      But they will grow in dryer areas if you water once in a while.

  2. I smiled at the “not a good writer or photographer.” I wouldn’t say that is true now. It seems very appropriate right now to revisit intent, I needed to do that for myself.

    • jude

      we learn when we need to. I think about that al ot. How teaching should include the usefulness. All of this revisiting is very good for me right now. The reflection of selves…

  3. Yvonne

    What a beautiful page to have still…… I love the ferns, they are prolific in many parts here in Scotland….so beautiful and lush in such quantity!

  4. Sharon Koch

    it seems you’ve come full circle, with the ability now to move both forward ‘n backward in time. your realization that you’ve become more organized with simplified ambitions may help you to finish this book… and later perhaps a children’s book or two for future grandchildren? x

    • jude

      the circle that shifts to a spiral like a basket. it’s become curious, what makes a children’s book a children’s book?

  5. Sarita A

    I’m amazed by your journey! Also by your tenacity & perseverance to work at your art, while journaling through changing blog technology, to remain so grounded in your cloth & environment. Kudos & many thanks for sharing your journey.

  6. Jana

    To be able to look back on a handwritten beginning … the moment pen touched paper and what had been in the head + heart became visible … a simple saved paper. A piece of treasure map.

  7. Yay! To watch you travel on this part of the journey…a book! This will be something. Love the fern blanket. Really amazing to see, being a SoCal girl, so much green is such a treat. xo

  8. Michelle D

    So grateful to you for sharing your art and your personal journey and “moving through”. This helps me be more aware and mindful that I am also on a “journey”. And to take delight and have wonder in it all.

  9. Judy

    I’m grateful to be along for the ride Jude. Everything you post is devoured, photos, your musings…delicous food for thought.

  10. snicklefritzin43

    What a wonderful carpet of soft green…just imagining the many critters who call this home give my heart a warm sense of peace.

  11. Valerianna Claff

    That first blog entry is cool! And, ferns have deep medicine for me… I have a lot of this one here 🙂

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