April has passed so quickly

Before we know it.  A phrase that sticks in my mind today.

Suddenly, like something in the air...

Something In The Air now.  So much seems to be changing.  Or is it sometimes we just notice. I am not filled with words at the moment. That often makes space for other things.

Adding a base is a kind of grounding ceremony

I added a base to this one.  The Earth House.

It rained all day yesterday.

I only noticed the squirrel while loading the picture

That kicked the Redbud over the edge...

A sense of May has already arrived.

The old Spirit Cloth Blog is password protected.  I'm reconsidering.


  1. Love your photography Jude; always beautifully composed – and this pic is so lovely, with the pink flowers – and a squirrel for good measure! No squirrels in Australia…..and now nights are cooler, heading into winter. Best wishes to all.

  2. I love and miss your old Spirit Cloth blog. I love roaming about there looking for little snippets of information and revisiting favourite techniques. What are you considering?

  3. Sharon Koch

    thinking about how much happens before we “know” it. especially true as we create. the continual joy of serendipity…

  4. Yvonne

    The Earth House looks warm and comforting. Lovely yo see the blossom, but it’s still unusually cold here in Scotland, we have hail sun rain warmth and bitter cold winds all in one week, now that our travel ban has been lifted we are driving north to Inverness for a change of scenery and a visit to a Fort. I’m sorry I never took the time sooner to read about the feather project, it was next on my list. So much beautiful work to read about, I ran out of time!

  5. Deb VZ

    Your picture of the woods and stone fence is just beautiful and incredibly calming. May I have permission to save it as a desktop image on my computer? It will go no further than that.

  6. snicklefritzin43

    Our up and down weather is up now two days and another great day for pulling weeds and beginning to plant seeds. With so many nights in the 20’s seeds don’t do well here, but now I can begin the growing of herbs and a whole bed of plants for dyeing cloth and thread…
    I am enjoying getting your posts on this site; it has been dependable and easy to navigate.
    Have another wonderful creative day.

    • jude

      It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster here. Close to freezing again tonight. But we are on our way. Good to hear things are working here.

  7. cednie

    Last day of April – shocking – and rain all day here. Good day for a stitching retreat. I love the slowness of spring in the north, although at times it seems too slow.

  8. Love what the the background adds to the Earth house, a depth. If/when I build my tiny house I would like for it to be cob. Little yellow rose started blooming this week, rainy today which sometimes makes it feel colder.

  9. Jana Jopson

    Love this little red house again with its flower-peaked roof, face gazing from the sky. The vertical of the house stands strong amidst all the flowing movement.

    It is May Day Eve …

  10. Valerianna Claff

    That’s sad cat in the cloud. I think they need to go curl up inside the red house, looks inviting surrounded plowed fields. Change is blowing in the wind today… big wind… bringing snow overnight here!

    • jude

      Itwas a stray face, reminding me of how mood can simply float by on the wind.
      Snow up in Delhi where my son is, about 100 mikes north. Here mostly a sudden chill. Soul-o is frisky.

  11. Jen NyBlom

    Yes, it is moving—the ripple of excitement, of CHANGE –the newness, the muchness of the season of Awakening…oh yay! Oh yippee, oh Wheeeee….do you not just want to open your arms wide every morning to encompass it all? Look at the greening! And the prettily garbed redbud! Oh sigh!
    (it’s “funny’ to me, to see such a ‘late” Spring creeping in for you; but then I remind myself, you have FOUR seasons! We basically have two (9 months of Summer, and 3 of well, it’s not Really Winter–ha)…or, as we joke in the Deep South:
    winter, pretend Spring (aka “January thaw”) maybe winter, nope–definitely early spring, yep-spring…late spring, SUMMERRRRRRRR Forever, Hurricane Season, Indian summer, early fall, fall (very short-lived) and we’ll pretend it’s winter so we can wear sweaters and chic boots. HAH!)

    I maybe should be working on something “spring-like”, but instead I’m all involved in “Chaos Theory” again, and I am LIKING how it’s going!

    By the way, I like when you hang your work on top of the white quilt, good to see the scale of your smaller works, juxtaposed.
    (but I also like when it’s outside!)

    Happy ‘last day of April”! (that went by FAST, didn’t it???!!!)

    • jude

      and believe it or not, a Big Chilly Wind just kicked up, blowing the dogwood blossoms into the air like snow. We will get close to a freeze tonight.

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