A New Wall

cloudy  with a bit of drizzle like April can be, needs to be

Here we are. Almost the middle of April. Big moon coming.  And I have a new design wall out on the porch.  I painted it white last summer.  The porch is my studio now for as long as it is warm enough.

I am thinking I will simply work on the Just Home series through April.  No other agenda.  I am organizing my cloth thoughts for May when I will be able to talk and film outside.  And begin again. That is what I am looking forward to.

I wonder what's next

It's greening up here and we are really enjoying our morning strolls.

He loves the rocks the most.

It's so good to see him outside. Being a cat.




  1. Wendy

    The last homescape is so beautiful. The sky and moon are my favorite part of this one. Reminds me of an incoming storm or maybe a really foggy misty night.

  2. Sharon Koch

    comforting to sense both soul-o ‘n you settling into this ancient landscape. becoming one with it. soul-o’s paws softly padding over the granite boulders. rock whispering.

  3. Jen NyBlom

    This land you are on now “FEELS” like “YOU”…a good fit.
    A sense of quietness that you both seem to possess.

    I’m liking this “home” series…it is fun to do

    I did some planting today, as more rains are on the way…
    April showers, ha

    • jude

      I didn’t like it here when I came. Or, I realize I didn’t want to like it. It was a mess and everything was neglected… it is really quite an interesting piece of land. Rain here for a few day here.

      • Jen NyBlom

        It’s hard to uproot esp as the years roll on, and even more so when everything is not as settled, as polished, as “fixed-up” as the place before. (& it wasn’t your first choice, as I recall) I know I would have a very hard time moving on from our place, the longest I’ve ever lived in one house, and SO MUCH “fixing-up” has gone on thru the years (18!!!)….but gosh! I DEARLY want MORE Land!! (ah–Dreams!)

  4. Thank heaven that we can buy tulips NOW for a reasonable price 🙂 Though there is much pollution in those wonderful coloured fields in which they are cultivated !
    Love the colours in your woods (with that gorgeous Magnolia !)
    Love the white cloth on the white wall

    • jude

      I’m really trying to “naturalize” here. It has become apparent that the deer problem includes devastation to most of the natural forest floor plants. Researching how to restore that and also considering perimeter fencing. it is very pretty here right now.

  5. Janet Bergeron

    Your posts are at once peaceful and inspiring. I like to start my day by reading them. I feel like a much more in a hurry person and love the idea of just looking at things on the wall and waiting for pieces to come together. Been enjoying that aspect of your posts

  6. just below Soul-o is a recumbent stone being … head to the left with eyes closed and a gentle smile, hand resting over heart …

    amazing how the rippled silk in your latest Home cloth holds the sense of stone

  7. The porch as your studio, that sounds really nice.
    Here the bulb fields are colouring on the neigbouring island, I went to see them this morning. Large fields of tulips, in reds, yellow, purples, so beautiful, like a huge patchwork.

    • jude

      I love the fields of color that flowers create. Did you know that Tulips were originally cultivated in the Ottoman Empire, and there was actually a “Tulip Age” ? Later they were imported to Holland. I know this only because the Man here is from Turkey, as you probably know, and he has told me many tulip stories.

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