It’s Snowing


Spring became winter for a bit. And now it is really snowing.

I notice the path

And so season reminds me once again how one thing can lead to another.  I started a new stray selves series.  I want to call it Be. Or Being.

The path is the story

And this one suddenly became more.  Maybe...Be A Pathpath

Oh, the sun just came out!

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Categories: Oneness, Stray Selves SeriesTags: , ,


  1. I’ve been dipping in and out of The Wild Braid and funnily enough keep coming back to a passage that Kunitz wrote about paths. “There were no paths, I had to create the paths. There was a question of where they should be….The path to the understanding of a poem is for me always circuitous, it’s a winding path, and I think of the garden as being a winding path.” 🙂

  2. Cat

    And in Montana it is raining. Love stitching flowers on white cloth in colors I don’t usually use….letting my brain seek new directions….maroon and sage…periwinkle and rust…orange and purple. Random design. Watching the deer chilling on my neighbors lawn …’s 2:30 in the morning. Love the wolf howling into the sky.

    • jude

      It’s very healing to sit and consider what we don’t usually use or do. To know it can be.
      I am always up and looking out the window between 2 and 3AM. Food for dreams.

  3. Lasso the moon.
    Sun shinning and rain spackling my glasses, wind guesting all at once
    Weather might be earth’s emotions occurred to me just now .someone asked me today how are you to which I amswered…I’m going!

  4. Judith

    Water: a liquid,
    solid, and then steam, still there
    but not. Like my mind.

    Just pondering rain and snow and the steamy heat of summer. Snowing there, raining here. Good day for sewing.

  5. Teresa Stetler-Clear

    We have had the same weather here…typical for early spring. I’m ok with the cold still – I am not a fan of heat and humidity. ❤️

  6. Oh, maybe the sun is on it’s way northeast to me… and maybe I won’t have to have someone come shovel the very, very wet and heavy snow off the front path – speaking of paths. I like what you say and teaching and honing, yes.

  7. I love that you took those walked over feeling and turned them into such a positive thing… being someone’s path to their creativity. That handles the teaching feelings. But, personal and family hurts are something totally different. I’m right there with you.💕

  8. sharon

    how the beast’s feet seem to be vibrating as it walks along the path. for me, much of life feels like it’s melting into something else. an ongoing kaleidoscope…

  9. Nancy

    Funny how when some things are taken away (covered), other things become clear as day. That is this path, worn, yet growing still.
    This cloth Jude…why do I feel such a connection to it? I just want to hold it and carry it around. Haha And sing to tne moon…let’s all do that. I would know Deb’s amazing fabric anywhere. I was really wondering what and how you were going to add to it…and here it is, this next step on the path and I am still in love. Isn’t that wonderful?!!
    May we all be paths for one another. May the paths provide growth, challenge…but not to much, to make them too difficult. Tangled paths become tiresome.
    I’m so grateful to have traveled thus far with you my friend.

  10. Vi

    I hv been a teacher or a bit of a path as you put it so very well , for a while.
    You hv often facilitated a kind of process which allows us to remember in parts who we are, Jude, …inspired, wanting to try out something new, curious , just,watching your imagination sew such alive stories …i have often thought of them as stitched haiku’s.! ..I have enjoyed..being sparked by your work.
    Yes…a path which lights…. Thanks Jude.

  11. Beth O

    Amazing piece, Jude! The stitches give so much energy . . . the singing/howl, and those stitches by the feet make me feel a grounding type of energy . . . you are certainly A Path! Thank you so much for sharing. (PS, we got 5 inches of snow last night & it’s still coming down. Good thing I brought my little planter full of pansies inside!)

  12. Rita m

    The beast has a lot to say to that moon….and he is saying it with a smile on his face….gotta LOVE this guy..almost see his tail wagging…..nice work Jude!

  13. Oh I love this. The path IS always the story, and yes, BE a path, says this old retired teacher. . .love how you laughed to yourself about this, the play on words and everything. You are a treasure in my creative life. Thank you. Smiling ear to ear as I type this.

  14. Mart Gooch

    Yes…” Be A Path”! You’ve always been a path for me and that’s why I continue to be inspired. Nothing is off limits…just my needle/thread & cloth!

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