Those Days

Yesterday was one of those days.

A window to spring.ย  Warm enough to sit on the porch.

Soul-o's chair

And I did.ย  Stitching in the warm afternoon sun.ย  I think it reached almost 70. I didn't check. I could feel it.ย  That Comfort Zone.

an open window to growth

I did a bit more centering.ย  These log cabin blocks are great for that.ย  As I stitched around the center window I changed course and went with the spin.ย  An open window I said to myself. Out loud. Maybe the birds heard me. Hopefully not the mosquitoes.

The Placekeeper/ Ragmates page collapsed so I removed it from the menu bar...ย  I'm in the No Worry Zone so whatever.ย  Mention will have to be good enough.ย  I will just go back toย  I really like this. I wasn't seeing any traffic there anyway.ย  In fact, I think my online world has changed without me even noticing.ย  I'll just accept it for what it is.ย  The no blame game is more healthy.

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Categories: centering, Log cabin block, windowTags: , ,


  1. things change … we can all help by making sure to put our blog addresses in when commenting so others can link over to us … I loved the Placekeeper page but I confess that I rarely used it … having started (and stopped) any number of ancillary pages and blogs, I’ve come to realize that simple day-to-day posting works best for me

    “whatever works” still holds

  2. Marti

    i was so surprised to learn of the collapse of the ragmates page as well as place keepers. I often checked both to see if new people had been added and I so enjoyed reading everyone’s description and seeing their photos or photos of what mattered to them by way of introducing themselves. For me, a non-joiner, it was a big step to send a photo and some words describing myself to this community. Mind you my photo was not of myself but of my beloved copper pot and some of my dye bundles, the heart of my cloth making…so there is some community spirit sadness being felt…

  3. Judith

    You have sunshine! I want some….still wet and gloomy here. Lovely sit and sew area you have there. What is in the jars?

  4. collapsed. that’s a big word.
    i feel like i can’t say a lot about it because i have found my self and cloth just still wandering
    and it’s been about a year now and we just wander together around this Forest. not knowing
    yet how to sit down together. and maybe PlaceKeeper has lost its relevance . ? . but to me
    it was emblematic of “old” Spirit Cloth but you say all the time it’s about change, and change is
    Good, and that’s true, but change is also
    to acknowledge it’s Going… another way i feel UnTethered because that’s my truth, i will
    continue to watch the changes and love what was and what will be

    • jude

      Collapsed holds story, I imagine it as a hollowing out and a breach in support, yet simply as a result of change. Circumstantial.
      PlaceKeeping is on my mind and actually place and keeping are so related. Untethered here too, with some explaining to do. Still just going.

  5. Jude~ A screened porch would be grand, even if the actual climate didn’t demand one…mosquitoes Love me! Ugh.
    Thanks for mentioning about the page. I have gone there if I’m wondering if a particular commenter has a blog or whatever. Just going is the best bet at this point. So much is not in our control really.
    Love the softness of this cloth.

  6. Warm yesterday here, too, almost 60. Rhu was ecstatic, outside for hours, running around and lying on the newly emerged mosses. I like that open, slow spiral… well, slow is how I experience it. Overcast and warm-ish today. Technology seems to be deciding things for you. It is what it is, as my mother used to say. ๐Ÿงก

  7. Hazel

    Went for a walk this morning and found myself looking into windows (from the sidewalk!), wondering about other worlds… Weird weather here this weekend- sunshine that fooled me into thinking it was warm, hail, winds, and even a little snow.

  8. Jen

    Collapse ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
    No worries…
    Still here, listening, watching, learning๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

  9. Corinne

    Lovely place to sit and breathe in the spring sunshine and comfortable air. And to stitch. My snowdrops are all up and bloomingโ€ฆ.so it is really spring here too in MA. Time will now move forth in greens and all colors.

    • Caro

      I am trying to catch up…..again.
      Been wordfasting, screenfasting. Not a planned thing but i am just too overwhelmed by the world out there.
      This here is the only place i show up and i really appreciate that you are keeping up in beeing here.
      This soft piece of cloth felt comforting today.
      Thank you for that

  10. Nancy D

    A lovely porch you have there, Jude. So open and sunshine-filled. Like being inside and outside at once. Like a Window.

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