What it is

Frozen Ding!

It IS early in the morning.ย  It IS very cold and windy.ย  Frigid. Beautiful.

darkness holding light

Good Morning. 1968

both sides now

It IS difficult to take photos in such low lamplight if I want to be accurate.ย  But I do learn so much about color this way.ย  The magic of light and dark.ย  ย And how it seems isn't actually how it IS.ย  But then, how it seems is my story.ย  It cannot be more than that.ย  I remind myself..

I made this collage for several reasons.ย  How it IS (seems) from the outside and the inside.ย  How both formsย  are important.ย  How they are actually the same form.ย  And, look!,ย  the star is there to guide me from the inside.

I've made some important decisions for my wellbeing.ย  And this place. After weathering my own storm.ย  I will be redesigning this site a bit over theย  the weekend.ย  Access will be blocked for a few days.ย  Maybe longer, we'll see how it goes then...

by on
Categories: Oneness, Reconsidering, weathering a stormTags:


  1. …yeah, what everyone before me has said…the light/dark, the back map, insides, the importance of our own well being and how those choices can be hard…what you’ve given me, Happy Birthday…
    and also, I just really love the one left foot of “light holding darkness” creature – flops over the headboard, like it is holding on for balance.
    Aren’t we all? Ha

  2. Bogi

    Happy day and many more happy days ahead! I love your cute little happy guy holding the moon and star! Makes me so joyful!!! So much magic may always surround you!!!โœจ๐ŸŒ›โค๏ธ

  3. snicklefritzin43

    The sketch is just calling out to me over and over at moon and stars…so special, so much of what comes through in your work…and then my mind looks at the “headboard” and I keep seeing SUN…it’s definitely what my mind wants to finid to finish the phrase…..happy trip around the sun…I will miss you every day until you are once again in a place to be online with ease. Many blessings, dear friend.

  4. Judith

    Congratulations on another trip around the sun! Celebrate yourself; “you’ve got the sun in the morning and the moon at night.” That song keeps running thru my head even tho we seldom see the sun this time of year.

  5. Hazel

    Your piece has me thinking of layers of voice and self. Wellbeing, well being, being well, well… thinking about that too. So much love being sent your way.

  6. Heather Smith

    I will miss this site while itโ€™s down for renovations. Iโ€™ve been enjoying Whispering Hearts this past week, not working along so much but digesting the ideas. I like the idea of a sampler of sorts. Something I want to pursue soon, once Iโ€™ve finished something (any of the things I have going at the moment). And itโ€™s helping me wean myself off the Instagram doom scrolling, a little bit anyway. I would pay for such access if that is an option. Everyone seems determined to wish you a happy birthday, so, in case your site is still down by Monday and we havenโ€™t heard from you, Happy Birthday!

  7. Lynn Watson

    Very clever collages, Jude – and the one on the right seems as though the horizontal stitched lines could be words! Love them. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays and many more to follow.
    Lynn Watson

  8. Grace

    Happy Birthday Jude – Its like the front is how we all look to the outside world – whereas we really are made up of little fragile threads skeleton like and stripped down

  9. sharon

    interesting seeing the beast looking at the mirror image of itself. what if, when we looked in a mirror, we saw our innermost thoughts staring back? this blog is like that for me… happiest of birthdays, jude! x

  10. kennedyamyp

    I’ve been a bit frazzled of late so haven’t been reading your blog closely for a week or so. I only just noticed the moon in the mouth of the beast. How wonderful! Looking forward to whatever changes evolve here on your site. Happy birthday, Jude! You add a lot to my life.

  11. when I left Colonial Williamsburg after 18 years, one colleague gave me an engraved pewter cup with the words “whatever works” … which was my go-to answer when staff would ask what to do … it was my way of saying “I trust your judgment on this and don’t need to micromanage your choice”

    so do whatever works … whatever makes your heart sing and lets your needle fly

  12. Monica Skowbo

    Only recently found your work (where have I been?) Consumed your YouTube. Still hungry. Thank you for your free area. I would be happy to contribute. I hope that doesn’t go away. Happy Day.

  13. Joan Hinchcliff

    Making decisions for our own wellbeing are some of the most important decisions we can make, and sometimes the hardest. Decisions often change but our heart helps us follow the best path and you have a very big caring and sharing heart. Happy upcoming birthday!

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