

Once upon a time...

I love saying that.

The Seeing Heart

A loose page past... rethink

Love Cabin Yesterday

A gift has been waiting...


I used to make a lot of Valentines...



Love Cabin today

This was enjoyable.  The ThreadCrumbs game as a giving game. I ended up with 27 names.   I just picked a name.  I will contact you.  If you don't hear from me today, it flew away.

the square, the heart, the beast, the love

This is a Valentine from very long ago, but here it is today which makes it different. It is here today because I am reflecting on my illustration self once again.  The one that was born to paper.  And there is the patchwork again, the background.  But I wouldn't have seen that then.


It's almost Valentine's Day.

I'll keep considering heart.


Love Cabin tomorrow

What if we play the Threadcrumbs Game once a month, maybe with the New Moon? yes


going, with wings

Who Knows?

holding it together

page likeI like this new format (you may not see it that way on a phone...)  The 3 columns,  like a page in a magazine or book.  I especially like it today because it carries the love from yesterday, through today and into tomorrow.  Visually and Conceptually.  The spirit of giving continues. The story is more apparent.

Many folks ask me about how to find the story.  The story is in you.  Are you willing to let it out?  I think we can love it even if it isn't pretty.  It's odd but in my experience, when I give my truth form, it most often becomes quite beautiful.

I will be continuing with the Forever Zone which is my  protected teaching /sharing series.  I will be sharing more about how to join and how it might go when I figure that out.  Probably in a week or so.  Thank you for all your inquiries.   I have Spring Fever right now and it isn't even Spring. I have begun the cleaning in my mind.


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Categories: giftgiving, Heart, Log cabin block, SPIRIT CLOTH LANGUAGE, storyTags: , ,


  1. Judith

    What I especially like about your drawings and piecework is the uniqueness. I don’t see anything like them anywhere else.
    The first daffodil has opened — Spring will actually get here sometime.

    • jude

      Interesting. I never thought much about that until recently. I think I have never much followed or “worshipped” (I should talk about why I said that) any particular artist, although I was impressed with Klee early on. His personal language system. Early on I was also so so much of a hermit, and shy, I did most of my illustration work in that mode. Most of it never even shown to anyone. Art school never touched on my personal direction. It really is hard to know how influence happens. And why. Gosh, I will be dreaming up a storm tonight…
      Was looking for the daffys today, not yet.

  2. dartisun

    Your color choices, your value ranges, your intuitive sense of design, your skill with watercolor just blows me away. One day I hope to purchase, frame and hang one of your watercolors in my home.

    • jude

      ah, thank you so much. As I look back I find I was much more skilled at the watercolor thing than I am today. Probably because I was doing it so much. It is all so much about focus.

  3. marigoround39gmailcom

    I like this look, the columns, the openness, but then I am a magazine freak. And I can’t get over this heart cabin. It’s simple but plush.

  4. Oh this beasts drawing! Love it! You brought smiles to our faces over here 🙂
    When you pull out some old treasure, I muse…what on earth she must have over there!!

  5. Helen Lee

    Catching up again! We switched the internet phone off for a couple of days, so I missed that you’d already picked a name…AND I commented in the wrong place HA!
    Love everything you do and share ❤️

  6. Rita m.

    The game is fun, thanks for thinking of it, and including us. Your illustrations are just wonderful. Stories are important to me also. Most of the time, when i start a quilt, I just pick a fabric because I like it, but it always seems to weave itself into some kind of story….the memory-stories are the best, and those are the quilts I love the most.

  7. I love how your stitch self is so evident in your paper Valentine. There’s a very early portrait by Gustav Klimt that is in a very traditional style, but in the background of the figure, there’s a patterned “Oriental” rug. It’s seems a very important seed for what is to come with him with his figures surrounded by mosaic-like painted patterns and then the actual mosaics. I love that. ❤️

  8. Heather Smith

    Letting the story out. This is the thing I’m trying to figure out, where is my voice and what does it look like? And can I find my own visual language while consuming so much of everyone else’s? Do I have a visual “style” or am I really all over the place? Your work seems to have had some cohesion from the start, across mediums even. Maybe I’m not looking far enough back at my work. Maybe I just need to keep going.

  9. Nancy D

    I have Spring Fever, too, Jude! Seeing my Daffodils pushing up through the rain-fed soil…
    Your textile Valentine is luscious~like rich chocolates in textile form…mmmmmmm!

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