
sun on the sewing chair

There was sleep. And the Sun peeked out for a while, long enough to feel like a new day.Β  Β Since it is spring in my mind, I decided to do some cleaning and also change the furniture around.Β  Β I would like to get back to the teaching thing here, I have moved the chair and the camera tripod closer to the window.

lemon tree

The lemon seed kept going after it sprouted last year. Flourishing despite the dry air and low light.

aligned with going

I spent a few moments adding to this one,Β  the Newness symbol used twice.Β  As a seed,Β  aligned with my nine, my own sense of order and safety, and then as a star , as old as time, in it's newness.Β  Light travels.Β  And the earth got woven right in.

When I made the sun, I planned to use it sidewaysΒ  but I like it this way because it seems to be rising out of the darkness.Β  These simple circles can be so many things. I would like to talk about these simple shapes one by one.

Yes, it is almost February.

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Categories: alignment, newness, sempathetic evolution, SPIRIT CLOTH LANGUAGETags: ,


  1. I’ve always thought that chair looked very comfortable. Here, the snow has been freshened up with a good bit more and I’m still in Winter Dreaming mode. One more month of that until I start to feel spring in my mind. That Newness symbol, when I draw it, has a few meanings for me – one, it’s like a compass, and, two, it reminds me of the “wheel of the year” that I follow in my spiritual practice: Solstices and equinoxes and the cross quarter days between solstices and equinoxes. I love the language of symbols and how it can vary for each individual.

  2. Victoria

    January has gone so quickly that it seems impossible that day after tomorrow is February. And things do start looking up in February. The plants that I overwinter inside and slips that I have started and baby over the winter start stretching out toward the light so you know that “something” is going on. It’s so encouraging.

  3. Juliann

    I normally don’t get squirrely for Spring until March, but the last two years I am yearning by mid-January. Yesterday we had a sunny day with a warm up. I spent my time sitting on a bench with my face facing the sun soaking up as much as I could. I felt rejuvenated with hope that soon I can be planting my gardens and puttering outside.

    • jude

      The season’s are different and somehow that has confused my normal timeline. But we can count on change. Soaking in the sunlight, we all know this indescribable joy, right?

  4. Nancy D

    Celestial Magic above the Sun! What looks to be batten doors bring the focus earthwise…the nine seeds also magic …but I ramble.

  5. kirsten

    is that your avocado plant up there with the lemon seed sprouting? that looks just like mine!!! mine has been putting out leaves like crazy right now. it’s sitting near the sink and a kitchen window.

    here in the midwest we have 4 days of 60s and sun especially after 2.5 weeks of bitter cold and rain/snow!

    amazing how the sun out changes one viewpoint.

    • jude

      no that is all lemon tree with a small jade plant below. It does look like an avocado in this pic. The avocado is about 5 feet tall now!

      We are waming up slightly but many sunny days are coming soon.
      What a relief.

  6. Vi

    Looking forward to listening to you speak of these simple shapes one by one…Intuitively, I know this is going to expand things for me in some waYs…
    Winter winds down now and all the winter silk floss flowers have now fallen…a joy to have lived with them these past few months.

    • jude

      sometimes I forget to slow down long enough to consider the simpler things that might seem obvious to me.
      Season teaches me to appreciate smaller changes.

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