Just…Good Morning

I did. I slept early.  I rose with the sun.

There is a sense of beginning again, even though it's all in my imagination.

Fireworks guy, across the forest here, he did not make any noise.


This old drawing  with the title We did it, let's do it again! , was a New Years card from the 1960s and it's joy in just going catches me off guard every time it surfaces. It seems to give permission for a  Time Out from just about everything.  Just being.  Just long enough for a hug and a song.

The avocado has new leaves despite the dry winter air here in Winter.  I mist it every time I walk by.  Maybe that has helped. Just caring.

connecting a wishing star to earth

I began to play with that little wishing star stencil and then this morning, with the addition of a little cloth cut off  while making the Nana Self  Pillow , I made a light tree.  Thinking, maybe I can make light grow.

So here we are, Happy New Year!

Here I am, no hangover, no news, no plan,  just going. Well, except there is a delicious chickpea sweet potato stew  leftover for dinner.

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Categories: joy, just going, PAPER WORK, wishing starTags:


  1. sharon

    especially love the bark of the wishing star tree… how appropriate that it came from your nana pillow! would love to see your process, how u play with the stencil. wishin’ u great joy in this new year! x

  2. Judy

    Hmmm. Having trouble getting my comment to send. Wanted to say that the light tree emits a gentle soft light same as early mornings. My favourite. Have a gently year Jude!

  3. Sawlee

    Happy New YearJude!🎈🎈wishing you healthy super ager 2024….learning, following your delightful works and informations and waiting for more, thank you .

  4. Irene Pagram

    Happy New Year dear Jude from summer where I live in Colac, Australia. Beautiful shared meal with friends for sunset at Red Rock, a deeply spiritual volcanic hilltop place that looks east across the largest body of fresh water in Victoria and west across a huge saline lake, surround by another 7 slumbering ancient ‘dreamtime’ elders. Humbling to acknowledge the speck of time we inhabit to what this land knows.

  5. jeri

    Happy New Year to you Jude and to all the Ragmates! Wishing everyone a healthy and peaceful year ahead full of JOY and promise!

  6. Victoria

    Well happy New Year! Here’s hoping that everything evens out somehow and people can get together to work on all the problems that exist and need fixing. We may be in for a wild ride though.

  7. Peggy McG

    A New Year, A New Day
    A New Journey!
    I bought a bag of small avocados the other day.. tiny seeds! I thought of starting to root one, maybe a tiny tree! but it might be too cold yet.. I wake to freezing temps in my camper here in the desert sometimes.. I tried a basil plant.. nope, froze.

  8. Pam S.

    Lucky you! Our firework enthusiast neighbors seem to compete against each other all night long! Even with earplugs I didn’t get much sleep… so today is a brain fog day for me. Anyway Happy New Year and peace to everyone 💙🕊️ thanks for making my morning brighter Jude ☀️

    • jude

      Fireworks guy was quiet for what ever reason, but I recently learned he is a volunteer ambulance driver so I would probably forgive him anyway. Maybe it’s his release.

  9. grace

    there’s Sun this morning….i’ll feed the Goats then sit a while out There, have a conversation with
    my Imagination…see what She wants to tell me

  10. Linda

    Happy New Year Jude! Thank you for creating this peaceful… just going… community. Love the music in the card. I can almost hear the joyful singing of the Yay! 🎶

  11. Good morning, Jude. Happy newness, yes, all in our heads, but we get to make the rules! Ha! Love the drawing. Here’s to a year of thriving and inspiration. Much love and appreciation and gratitude for having your magical self in my world with me. 🧡

  12. Bethany Garner

    Happy New Year and may this one be a very special step into your world of art that brings us all so much joy! Take care – be happy and we are all here, just so happy to see your posts!!

  13. meganarucker

    your message is right on! cheers to time outs and hugs and just being. much gratitude and keep on goings to you, come what may. i’m here for it.

  14. Jen

    What a beautiful Beginning!!!
    Love your Light tree, at first glance it looked like a fireworks trail and blossom!! How nice you had a quiet evening, our neighbors were crazy, sending 🎇aerials🎆up for about 4+ hours 😳 Very peaceful this morning! Hah!
    May 2024 bring Light and Kindness to you💚💚💚
    (It’s “almost” Spring! 😉🌱

  15. Heather Smith

    Happy New Year! What light you have created here, I do wish that grew on trees. But I suspect even light trees wouldn’t be evergreen anyway. I’m creating a bit of light myself today in the form of a small marigold dye pot, an attempt to recreate some lost thread so that I also can Keep Going. Cheere!

  16. Joan Hinchcliff

    Very best wishes for this coming year! I look forward to continuing the journey along with you…wherever that may lead.

  17. Kristin

    Happy New Year to you! Best wishes to someone who always makes my day somehow feel a little more peaceful. Thank you. 💛

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