The season in me

I want to be Present.

Find a way.


2015.  Imagine that. ( from an old blog post)

a little old holiday cloth

It was a spooky day, that is what I said...This is what I ended up with, this Nine for Halloween. (the crochet skull was a gift, I did not make it)

today, reconsidered, reconsidering

a little new holiday cloth

Revisited because I remembered...

Today just rambling, as always, unscripted.  I get to what I want to say eventually...


A video from way back then...

And another...

This one was brought here a while ago, somewhere,  but I just put it in the Glossary (main link in sidebar) under Outlined-Patchwork

I will talk more about harem cloth and  all of this tomorrow  in my next post.   For a lot of you this is going backwards,  but really , my sense is that it could all be going forward if I let go of certain things.

Clear the way.  Embrace a different perspective.

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Categories: PATCHWORK, Reconsidering, seams, SeasonTags:


  1. I know for myself that if my blog were to disappear I would probably feel sad for a bit, shrug my shoulders and then move on. I do look back, but not enough. Maybe it’s time to do so though…see if there is anything I want to save. I couldn’t post last night, it was fine this morning though.

  2. Nancy

    My first thought was to feel ‘sad’ that the old blog may go away, for that is where this all started for me and I’ve not done the Instagram or Fb (recently) thing…but then in thinking about it…I rarely go back to that blog. I just don’t have time. Time. How can we live in the moment, make necessary plans for our future and continually go back to the past? Time.
    In the end I guess I would still feel sad, but the beginning, the fondness lives on in my heart.

    • jude

      You put this so well Nancy. having just mental memories takes up a lot less time and space. And sometimes, I sense, makes a more nourishing brain soup. Holding on too much physically keeps things, us. from becoming.

  3. Aida Sheets

    Hi Jude, Why not just add a disclaimer to the videos that need it. You could just add a recording at the beginning of the lessons that explains the things that have changed, or that no longer apply for some reason. I really enjoy your older lessons, and I think it would be a shame for them to disappear altogether. Change is inevitable (and why I always hated keeping a diary), but for the Information that you are presenting, allowing the old to mix with the new is a good thing, imho. Thanks for all you do!!

    • jude

      I like the old videos because they remind me of a simpler time. It perhaps the context that needs to change. I know that simpler is really the goal and also to be more in the present and not relying on the past. It might just promote growth. We’ll see. I just need to consider a lot of things. Like, “does anything ever really disappear?”

      • Your old videos are comforting. I revisit them often for reminders of your weaving ways, beasties, puzzle animals and so on. I love the ones with the musical introduction. I might ask myself, “How did Jude do that?”, and off I go through the links. Sometimes, I just go back as far as I can find … just to see what I might have missed.

  4. Funny you should talk about this. I have a WP site that is coming up for renewal (paid) and I’m going to let it go. It contains my old original online indigo workshop. Each of the past couple of years I wonder if I should keep it and I end up paying the renewal and keeping it.
    This is the year it’s going “poof!”.
    There is so much out there now. Not so much when I started all this.

    • jude

      So much. Dizzying really. I remember way back when someone at Quilting Arts, who was publishing an article on me, emailed me and told me what a great idea I had about doing online workshops. Can you imagine? Not so much online teaching back then. We were the beginning.
      I think about legacy. Maybe I would like to leave an open quiet space, poof! A place to breathe.
      All these paid things add up. Like having a storage unit and a hoise too small to put any of it in.
      Maybe we can start another trend. ❤️

      • Helen Lee

        We’re in the process of letting go too. We’ve been moving stuff…way too much stuff…into a storage unit; letting lots of it go, but still lots to get rid of.
        We are moving into a motorhome. We bought her last week, and we will be out of this house in a couple more weeks…transition time is a bore!
        We are gradually going to get rid of nearly everything, and it feels so good.
        The cloth coming with me is down to one small bag, and a smaller bag of threads, kept in a small willow basket 😊

        • jude

          great! That is perfect for you two. once we considered a houseboat in Turkey, not sure we could handle the floating or rolling life at this point, but less, yes.

  5. Jen

    Great minds think alike ….
    I’ve been clearing out, deleting, and letting go …does this come with wisdom? Age? Being tired of trying to keep track??
    Or maybe a more “mindfulness” approach; live this moment …
    Or I’m the vernacular: MOVING ON!
    Love the Jack Redux🧡🎃

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