
maybe we can become diminished by too much of the same thing. Or by needing to be seen.

Suddenly I thought... Vanishing Point .

Has a bit of magic to it  because it is an illusion.

I love this.  No figure, but not true,  it's you, looking.

Lately.  Diminished. 

I guess that word can describe how I feel.  And this, again comes not with negative connotation but with a sense of perspective.

If I focused on limited,  I might  feel stuck.  But really limitation is a factor for change.  And change is, well, all there is.  So what is the point?

Smaller, less, even  distanced,  all of what I am  seeing with new eyes.

And speaking of eyes,  the finer weaving cannot happen.  But that is ok,  it is the clothweaving that calls me as my weaving language,  the thing that truly rises from my weaver self  that gives the newer form to it all. (and maybe carpets!)

This piece, when I began the Forever Zone by putting patchwork in perspective, literally... such a significant statement really.

I lost myself for a bit.  I just stumbled upon myself again.  Where have you been I asked.  I had no answer.  Now realizing it takes a while to know where you have been,  you need a bit of perspective.   Time.


I made some changes here because of theme issues  The blog is now what  you see here when you arrive.  To see the old main page , just click Home, Welcome to my studio.  All links are now in my sidebar as well.  I will no longer stress about the functioning here.  I don't see many folks coming in to access pages other than my blog.  I think there will be a reset at one point, it's all a patchwork anyway, it will hold together until it doesn't.  I will be reopening my Spirit Cloth Shop for some more personal works at some point, I will put a link here when that happens, supplies and small stuff still available through ThreadCrumbs.

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Categories: alignment, LookingTags: ,


  1. Vi

    Your homesite has been and continues to be my North Star….so easy to access, and well put together, It often allows me that feeling of safety knowing there’s somewhere i can go when fuddled or have a question about something… . Or to simply quieten down an idea or to be encouraged…so much to delve from…. I thank you each time as I access something and ..yes .it continues to be my oasis.
    Just curious about what size this gorgeous piece may roughly be..?

    • jude

      Thank you for saying…
      This one is currently about 18″ square. A nine patch of 6″ muslin squares with the perspective in the middle. The vanishing point is a 3″ square.

  2. Cj

    You’ve put such a tremendous effort in your homesite, online and in its physical state. Both works of art and I thank you over and over. I remember the perspective unit this last year or so, and I made one of my most favorite pieces from that. It opened my emotional horizon in some crazy wonderful ways! 🙌💕

    • jude

      Thank you for saying, the project has become so personal that I feel differently about the work it involves.
      I want to weave in perspective, ha!

  3. Jude – Although I have never met you, you feel like a friend. One of those quirky friends that you don’t always understand but who makes you think about things in a different way. Or somehow crystallizes something that you were thinking but had not fully formed as a thought. You know what I mean.
    Years ago I found an article called “The Replacements” – abt just what you would think, our replacements. Those coming up behind us. Maybe you saw that. Your musings today remind me of that article from so long ago.

  4. Dhyana Winant

    I love the spider.
    Weaving cloth sounds great to me especially on a larger scale like rugs or wall pieces. I’d need to make it easily washable because I have recently become very sensitive to dust.
    We’re in the process of moving, so my manageable 12×12 squares have been the perfect thing but not very exciting lately. An idea journal I need to begin.

    • jude

      hanging outside on the porch, spiders aways there.
      dust but specifically forest fungus has become an issue here.
      small is definitely good when moving. good luck with your move.

  5. sharon

    due to endless passion for cloth ‘n fiber in general, i can easily exhaust myself with “too much of the same thing”. it’s hard to stop! curiosity drives me ever onward. yesterday i switched focus from fine weaving to piecing 1″ squares ‘n felt reset. haven’t explored many pages beyond your blog yet, knowing it’s in process. always grateful for what you provide here, jude…

    • jude

      I feel overwhelmed with too much of everything, just in general. I think because I am more singular lately, not good with too many things at one time.

  6. Amy

    Thanks, Jude. Your words help me today as I stumble upon myself again. I’ve been out in fantasy land, struggling a bit to come back. Perspective is definitely needed.

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