

Everything is changing. ( the pic of the new baby has been removed for privacy reasons)

this and that, pinned to Spin, changing now and then, like seeds in a garden

Change. Sometimes, when there is no saying, it is hard to know what.  But we, we know without the saying  somewhere deep inside. Bit by bit, until suddenly, poof!, new form. Even though we knew, New.  KnewForm.

The other side of Grow reminded me of that.

This side will not be altered. No hiding or designing on this side. Free Form I can say. But then, not, still anchored by intention on the other side. Free from judgement perhaps

The other side of Grow is just for that.  A reminder.  Things  happen without saying. Without intention.  Even though we take credit for them.

to the zone


  1. the first pic….it is Exactly

    could not be more an image of IT….
    and i wish it were not so, the removal for privacy… He is the Child
    of the Universe

  2. Holly Gleason

    Beautiful in every way … blessings to you and your family always Jude. I love the cloths in this message … so beautiful and special and unique … change is inevitable … I’m so pleased that these are happy changes … xoxox

  3. Debra A Price Agrums Sposa

    What a gorgeous grandson Jude. It will be interesting to see what you will be called. Nonna, Nana, Grandma, Granny, the list is so long.

  4. Susan Crowley

    Such a beautiful little baby. As far as I can tell, his name is Bruno. Adorable. Enjoy the little one, a beautiful new life among us. Lucky little boy. 🥰 to have a Z Ana such as you. 🥰

  5. Marti

    He sleeps on a cloud and he is JOY. the world simply looks brighter when a baby comes.

    We had gone grocery shopping this morning, a chore that I try to stretch to once every two weeks so I did not see this post until now. After putting everything away and making a cup of cocoa because it is icy cold outside, I come here and am instantly warmed by Bruno who does not even know what a gift his presence is from afar, but it is…. I closed my eyes and remembered that baby smell and how it felt to have a little one all snuggled up on my chest, breathing into my neck, bubbles of love, and joy.

  6. sharon

    love this giving birth to knew form. how the other side documents the thought process. what a precious little being bruno is! tears of joy!

  7. Helen Lee

    How absolutely wonderful….HAPPY NANA~ING dear Jude. Bruno…welcome little one❤️ I love his total abandonment to sleep, and his head of hair.
    That back side is really something…like an explosion of life…bang!
    BIG love to you and all of yours. Hugs

  8. Jana

    Surprises and discoveries … anew, ever-new. The sight of a baby sleeping … bringing peace this morning. Tender peace. And the newness of the underside of things. So happy for you!

  9. what a glorious piece – so freewheeling and yet intense…intensely freewheeling. I wonder if I could allow myself someting like that – I tend to pretty conventional in my handstitching. I’m working on it. I find I’m more conventional in a lot of ways than my rebel self has always thought. Changing. Recovering my own freewheeling intensity. You are an inspiration. (“KnewForm” – your word play continues to amaze me)

  10. Valerie O

    I love this post, it says so much. Reminds me -again- of Judy Collin’s song « Clouds »,……IVe looked at clouds from both sides now…….illusions……I really don’t know ´clouds’ at all ». Always a chance to look again, to see with new eyes, the thrill of re-newal.
    Thank you Jude for your valuable insights and each time showing us a new way of seeing.

  11. Sarita

    Congratulations Grandma! Amazing how a grandchild grows our hearts 10x bigger in a Poof!! ❤️
    We’re changed, transformed. New!
    ENJOY…looking forward to seeing the happenings of it in your work.

  12. jeri

    Something about seeing a baby on a white background. So pure and innocent. What a blessing! ❤️

    I do enjoy seeing the back of your work, very inspiring!
    FYI: I’m so happy to report I’ve stitched every single day so far this year! My dots are growing and I started doing a fabric collage block once a week. I do want to thank you for showing up and encouraging us!

  13. kirsten

    sometimes a new life and change opens our eyes to things around us. and bruno is now in it.

    the back side of grow looks like figures dancing around the square perhaps to welcome the new person.

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