Do it, make the path

This will come off the wall today.   For growth line stitching.

And a sharpie, yes, not romantic, but permanent.  I use them. Mostly because I had them and then because they bring out something in me.   I have added  Tools and Materials to the Glossary so I might  talk about what is useful to me, update my approach since it has been so long since I created my first workshop where I talked about all that.

Soon, but I am not there yet.

Drawing directly on the cloth. A growth line.  By crossing the first red line, connecting the center to the second red line which you cannot see of course because that seems to be the way it goes these days.   And actually, it seems just fine.  It is there, the second red line/circle.  Maybe me saying it, if you trust me, is ok.   So there are 8 lines that reach the first circle.  Plus the center makes a nine.  And there will be 8 lines that reach the second circle plus the center which creates a nine.

My nines are built many ways,  still my safety net.  I think it is the natural math in them.

In me.

I like the way they smell too.

I think, the way things are going, I will probably be posting later at night instead of the morning...  it feels like that will work better for me right now.


  1. I tried using permanent markers, but soon realized that I trust my stitching hand more than my drawing hand … these days I use erasable markers as a way to suggest a line which I might or might not follow

  2. Sue Facherty

    This vascillating piscean is admiring your bravery, while stuck in whatifery.
    You added some ‘ heart in mouth ‘ time to my day … but I do have sharpies!

  3. Sharpies are not as permanent as one might think…sunscreen and hand sanitizer will take it off many surfaces. Actually it’s spooky what hand sanitizer will erase. Video made me laugh, I can do that. 🙂

    • jude

      yes, shiny surfaces. spooky what we put on our skin right? and way back when Mom as teaching nursery school…sharpie on skin happened and it did come off with alchohol. maybe permanent “enough”, oh ha ha ha.

  4. Dan

    Yes! Way to reach outside the original boundaries and bring the large scale edges back into the inner theme. The nine-patch at the center practically sparkles amid its leafy, earthy nest. Its like the spirit of life animating and engaging (in nines) all the ongoing rise and decay of nature happening around it.

  5. I remember the first time I saw you do this…drawing a very big circle on a big cloth…I just couldn’t believe you would do that to something you’d put so much work, so many hours into. Now, I’m like ‘oh yeah, there’s Jude drawing on cloth again’!! ha
    I really Do Not like the sharpie smell…but use them for the many packages I mail out 🙂 So, in that way they are a true gift, because they allow me to give to others. Also, J. wanted to do something…I think it was color a new pick guard for one of his guitars, so I bought a set of fine, colorful sharpies!

    • jude

      I love the smell I think because it reminds me of all the time I have used them. Time for the “sharpie diaries”, oh ha. Mom, and nursery school comes to mind.

  6. Marti

    My sharpies stand at the ready and last year, I used my black sharpie to play a trick on my trickster wall hanging of Kokopelli, the god of tricksters, harvest and fertility. Years ago when I first came to New Mexico, I learned of Kokopelli and have been a fan ever since, purchasing a small statue, a kitchen bell, a trivet, a chime for out in the garden and I was gifted a large handmade Kokopelli sculpture..

    Several years ago, I traced my small Kokopelli statue onto a paper bag, cut out the pattern, transferred it to walnut dyed cloth and stitched away, creating a large wall hanging. Well Kokopelli had some other ideas and over time, the walnut dyed Kokopelli cloth seemed to fade against the many other pieces of dyed and marked cloths that made up this wall hanging…what to do!

    HA! Sharpie to the rescue!. I simply took my sharpie and with bold, black strokes traced the outline of the walnut cloth Kokopeolli enabling it to stand out from the cloth. Every time I see this cloth, (it is on one of our living room walls) I laugh… who tricked who!

    • jude

      ha, that was a great sharpie story!
      I wonder, when they wear out, maybe I will use the pieces to create some sort of mobile or wind catcher.

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