the simplest centering

When a pattern emerges, it is easy going.

I am patching first and adding the circles as I go.   Not measuring, just the best I can.  How it looks right to me.  I suddenly thought about centering, how that is really about balance.  Balance is often a feeling, a sense, not a measurement.  I wonder, if it seems balanced to me, will it feel balanced to you, and if so, would it be for another reason?

I see cat hair.  And I am close to naming this.

the Zone


  1. deemallon

    I think of balance as an absolute. Universal. Now you’ve got me thinking about it as individual. Always thought provoking.

  2. For years, really years, my personal cliche was ‘seek balance’…as if once attained, you’d stay balanced forever. Hahahaha Eventually I realized how ridiculous this was. Nothing stays the same for too long anyway. Now I choose a different focus.
    Love this gameboard of a cloth. xo

  3. Jana

    Deb mentioned fulcrum point. Made me think of an old-fashioned see-saw. I remember we would try to sit at just the right spot to make it balance at the fulcrum point and both “float” up in the air before resuming the up and down.

  4. Rita Hollingsworth

    Probably not….but it really makes no difference anyway.
    Because feelings change from one second to the next.
    Everything is fleeting…..good or bad. Sometimes best not to think all the time and just “do” ….. whatever.
    The ethereal is exhausting…like art-speak.

  5. I need to bring myself back to balance sometimes if I tend to lean too much into one direction only. Your new cloth is beautiful, just go with the flow!❤️

  6. jeri

    Ahh, Balance. So many meanings. I think of it as a doing thing. Keeping your life in balance, bringing that to all aspects. Looking for balance in our work… I can’t always explain why a thing is right but if it feels right I go with that, it must have balance then, at least to me.

    Balance brings me peace and I like peace.

    I love how you engage with us, making us think just a little bit more.
    Happy Saturday!

  7. CJ

    I try to practice balancing on one leg at a time. Stance helpful is supporting one from falls and maybe a little help to the core. Kind of centering. 🕉️🤗

    • Lynn

      Good one, as long as you can keep a couple of fingers on the nearest benchtop for safety. It’s just as hard to stand with one foot directly in front of another, and try to balance, without wobbling, which also requires fingers on a rail or benchtop….the best part of a kitchen! Ah, memories of rehab…

  8. Victoria

    I think too much balance and too much symmetry gets boring after awhile. Some off-kilter things help shake things up and get people thinking.

    Just ole off-kilter me talking though.

  9. Balance…it’s an interesting word. For some reason the phrase fulcrum point occurred to me…the point that is the hinge or the support. Thinking about someone balanced on a tightrope, feeling centered… well all food for thought. 🙂

  10. Pat Cooper

    Mmmmm, “balance is a feeling not a measurement” you just “shifted” me again – Thanks. BTW I am working on my gathering moonlight” that you inspired me to start after your moonlight in a basket phrase. More Thanks.

  11. Pat Cooper

    Mmmmm, “balance is a feeling not a measurement” you just “shifted” me again – Thanks. BTW I am working on my “Gathering Moonlight” that you inspired me to start after your “Moonlight in a Basket” phrase. Another Thanks.

    • Rita Hollingsworth

      Probably not….but it really makes no difference anyway.
      Because feelings change from one second to the next.
      Everything is fleeting…..good or bad. Sometimes best not to think all the time and just “do” ….. whatever.
      The ethereal is exhausting…like art-speak.

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