just another day

sometimes the sun comes right out of the ground

doing it

And oh yeah, there was a tick bite. Fingers crossed.  Blood test tomorrow.


  1. Joan Hinchcliff

    I hope you had a negative test and that the work proceeds on time! It will be wonderful to watch the grow cloth “grow”.

  2. Vi

    Glad you are alright Jude.
    The Grow cloth quietly catching the sunlight like that, on the fence.. .waiting to see things appear on it….I look forward to that.
    Yes , messy time and as you say a mess is a mess and Noise is a noise…not easy and yet……….

    • jude

      In this place the garden will be everything for me. learned a lot from a local guy here who knows what just grows and is edible. In the woods.
      also I like to watch repair, I learn.

  3. CJ

    Ticks are evil! The “grow” view is rich with goodness. Something so happy to just stare at. Can’t wait for the before and after snapshot! It will be so wonderful for all of you.

  4. I’ve had three tick bites since we moved here, but negative for Lyme disease. I hope that means the ticks aren’t heavily infected with it, because there’s no escaping them it seems. Your cold frames look great, so does the whole garden infrastructure!

  5. sharon

    ooooooooH… a repaired roof with skyLIGHTS!… and sunspots for soul-o! can hardly wait to see you stitching away in this tick-free indoor garden!

  6. Jen

    The end result will be marvelous!

    Tick bite….ewwwwww
    (hope all will be well!!!!!)

    “Grow” looks fabulous!

  7. Pam S.

    🤞🏼on a good blood test
    I haven’t been bitten by tick since I was a kid, and no adults in our family in Indiana seemed to care about it back then!

  8. Ah. I have cold frame envy. That looks like a nice one. And some major noisy messy work to be done here as well, plus super sensitive cat. And ticks also way of life here. But so grateful Lyme hasn’t moved into this area. Yet.

  9. A cold frame! I have been thinking about one, dreaming a bit about a green house. It was 32 yesterday, 34 right now and frost again, the air feels chilly even when it warms up.

    • jude

      Yes! A greenhouse would be swell. But the porch will be a bit like one with the skylights, at least in spring and summer.

  10. ugh … I hate construction

    when we moved, we lowered the price of the Hill Country house rather than go through the headache of replacing the roof that the buyers’ inspection agent said was needed … then ended up having to put a new roof on the house we moved to … there was no escaping it

    good luck tomorrow … Lyme is miserable (as are all the other tick variants)

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