The Spirt of becoming again

There is really just a moment when you look. Considering how.

The cloth we can call done.

10 years of Day-Dreaming really

The becoming seems always just beginning.

I made a new list. Let's call it a recipe. And on it, look, re-engage, move through it and consider it done.   Make room.



  1. Jen NyBlom

    All very stunning!!! (but my eye keeps getting drawn to the stitched half circle on the left….ah, oh. Ooooooo…..

  2. Today how the circles (moons, wings, wind of feathers…) continue across really catches my eye. Each time looking, a piece of your 10 years!
    I actually love lists (my mother’s child!)…not only to do lists (that don’t really have to get done), but lists for lists sake.

  3. Deb VZ

    I missed the feathers when I first looked at the piece and saw them on my second closer look. I found your blog during the magic feather project and have been reading and learning ever since. So grateful that you share your cloth journey with us.

  4. Jana

    interstices in the web of life, the wheel of the seasons, remarkable to me in its completeness, strong and tender … yes, breathtakingly beautiful

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