Home? again…



There were none when I moved here, now they are everywhere.  First bloom of the season.  The deer seem to be distracted by the tall grass and wildfower patches. For now.

There was a bit of stitching on the cloth I call Haven.  In between since I came here. I used a glowing line to outline the house, because it has disappeared somehow...

a line to define

light gets through

a path for moving through

I held it, and then held it up to the window, reassuring myself of the sense of thinness I had tried to retain there.  My notes, safe and open at the same time. And  now,  a new note to self. Safe has a kind of thinness.  The magic of dark and light is a reminder of a an often hidden depth in form

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Categories: Garden, layersTags:


  1. Susan

    I think the note you had, safe and open at the same time, is something to strive to embrace in everyday life. Such a powerful thought. Maybe open with a sense of gratitude too. Your new note is something to reflect on too, safe has kind of a sense of thinness. I think the stitched gold line represents that feeling so well.

  2. The sharpness of your photos…the individual hairs standing at attention and the pattern on the center dome! Just wow. I love how the roundness mirrors each other in these two creations.

  3. wyonne bucheit

    ny husband of 65 years in Sept is dying in our bed sleeping peacefully right now hospice is wonderful help I brought home by ambulanceI will be beside hime for a short while I sense a loneliness in you too my corgi and twoofoundling kitties help me lov wyonne

    • jude

      So sorry. But yes hospice is a amazing. I remember with my mom. It is better to be at home, a great gift. I am more confused than lonely.
      Love to you both.

    • My most sincere sympathies to you during this time. I agree about hospice. May you honor your love and years together as you move through the present moments. May his memory always remain a blessing.

  4. Maria

    Such a richness of colour .. gives one a sense of the fullness of life 🌞
    With kindness Jude 💗🌸
    Mazstar ( Maria) 🤩

  5. LinKot

    Your art is so beautiful and distinctive. I can identify it before I know it’s you. Your Haven glows beautifully. A wise person once said, “Light creates form.”

  6. Beth from Still Life Pond

    Your golden line like a little force field of protection…
    I think black-eyed susans are somewhat deer resistant. They have come to represent summer solstice to me since they seem to start blooming right around this time of year. Am seeing a lot of tiny fawns this year and just saw a couple of fuzzy antlered males. 90s predicted here for a long stretch of time ahead.

    • Jude

      I like how you see the line.
      Something eats them here, who knows? Ha!
      Suddenly there are many young deer.
      It’s gonna be a hell of a hot week coming up.

  7. There is a doe who seems to be here very early in the morning most days, she alone is nibbling all the flox and a few others in the garden. I guess they’ll get bushier because of her foraging. Oh well, she’s gotta eat.
    I’m struck by “Safe has a kind of thinness” today… yeah, it’s lucky to have even thin safeness.

  8. Nancy D

    The light shining through the cloth is beautiful! The contrasts sharply soft…
    I love Black-eyed Susans, too…but ours here in North Texas don’t bloom until it gets really hot–July and August. When they are in their glory, I call them gold dubloons!

  9. Jen

    What you do is pure magic, Jude! 🩵🏠✨
    Aren’t Black Eyed Susans so wonderful? I spread their seeds everywhere!
    (& I’m having fun with the circle stitching! 😁)

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