A tall cloth

Usually, long cloth. I call them that.

Somehow this one seems Tall. Almost 11" as it turns out.

I had to get a new phone and the camera is super duper but for some reason I can't seem to get good or consistent pictures. I was grumbling until I just decided in every moment things look different anyway, and that was enough for me to move on.  Of course I only slept 3 hours last night so everything is a bit off in my head anyway.

I love looking at small cloth in the context of larger cloth.  How they can always become one thing in the moment.

just standing there.

Be like a Tree in April  seems like a good name.

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Categories: Stray Selves Series, sympathetic evolution, treeTags: ,


  1. Cj

    Need a new phone, dragging feel. He wanted a TV, didn’t sleep then either. Wired! Ha! Read the notes, red, wht , black, yel, gr. Inspired! 🤔😉

  2. How your tree is so many things at once is great.
    I fell out of bed last night- got tangled in the blankets, took them with me to the floor. Thought about just staying down there.

  3. Caro

    Your cloths always have good stories. I look at them and see the grown up story yet there is always a child part in me that feels like i see a fairytale in them too.
    Spring has sprung and i am on all fours most of the day which helps me to sleep like a rock all night. I am thankful for that! Wishing you a good nights sleep tonight.

  4. Sharon McDonnell

    We got power back late last night. It helped ease our busy bodies and worried minds and we finally slept a bit better; that helps. Too much snow/rain/disruption.

    Love the tree. So much motion and connection in living elements.

  5. Pam S.

    I’ve gotten used to very little sleep that I’d think I must be dead if I got over 4hrs of sleep 😁
    I like your Be like a tree tall cloth!

  6. Amy

    The thought I had looking at your tall cloth is how often I count on aspects of the natural world as my companions. When I’m out there with them, they don’t have faces as they do on your cloth, but there is certainly a presence to each of them. Then to see your faces, I can’t really describe how it translates. Thank you, Jude.

  7. Carla Wilson

    the tree in April is lovely and moody, but my eye is on your background cloth! Such a good idea, adding bits here and there as you come across them. I may “need” to do something like that instead of wiffing them into a big basket and having them lost amongst all the other wee bits.

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