4ever trying

just a little simple growing

On the window sill, again the joy of the resilient scallion.  I do this once a year now, store bought,  leftover ends that use to just go in the compost,  snip and grow, snip and grow, plant them outside once it gets warm.  Snip snip snip and grow  all season...

'till it snows again.

So much time sitting in front of a screen these last weeks.  Not really wanting it to be that way as the season turns toward spring. Doesn't look like spring but the woodpeckers are sending messages in code...it's coming.  So I guess I am frantically trying to get everything settled here at WordPress,  trying to make it home so it will be more effortless. Familiar.

We learn it over and over. We can't have it just one way.

Everything is all mixed up . Changing. In pieces.  And we try to hold it together.  Hold it, at least.  Weigh it.  Balance it.   Try to share it maybe, how it might go... be an example of going. Any kind of going.  Because it is useful for us to know that many ways.  That there can be so many ways.

That's life, going.  How small my going seems in these awful days.  How big that can become for others.  Just going.  Still it's ok.   Sempathetic Evolution. Going together.

life and cloth

down by the river, old sky

Yesterday, while out and about, just to be out and about,  down near the Hudson, the sky became sketchy all by itself, no photo editing necessary. I mumbled "ahhh" to myself.


  1. Fumiko Wellington

    I have a perennial crop of scallions which began the same way as yours. In Hawaii, they bloom occasionally, and reseed themselves, or the seeds can be planted elsewhere or given away. Free food of this kind is an inspiration to me, and a reminder that where there is life, there can always be more life.

  2. ha, moving and change, seems to be in the air; I like the gathering of all the images on your opening page….and just before dinner I pin-skewered an avocado stone in yet another attempt at root-shooting (i’m making up words here) it now sits beside my catkin laden willow branch which has already sprouted numerous roots, I hope the avocado looks and learns;-)

    i think it’s in our nature to not give up, love to you

    • jude

      I found another much faster way to sprout the avocado and it worked really well. wash it, soak it in a jar of water for a day or so then wrap it in wet paper towels and put it in a covered jar for a week or so. I sprouted 3 at once, took about a week ( just keep checking…) then I planted them. worked so much better than the skewering

  3. sharon

    to be resilient as a scallion! how jars on a window sill become like stained glass. always love seeing (as well as hearing) your view. x

  4. Pingback: Trials – gemtactics

  5. Snow is gone but stormy here this morning, rain and wind, dark gray skies…going through seed packets and thinking about what I might want/need. At some point I will go out and sprinkle poppy seeds here and there. Been thinking a lot about how we go…

  6. eva

    War in Ukraine is scary, terrible and totally unnecessary! This is so close…two hours flight from Berlin.
    So good to keep sketching and stitching. I go crazy by watching the news! Thank you Jude, for your food for creative thoughts.
    Kind wishes to all of you, eva

  7. CJ

    I’m seeing this beautiful cloudy blue cloth screen cover with the embroidered word “ahhhhhh!” to adorn your screen and then you racing off outdoors to plant scallions. 🌱🌸🐞

  8. Velma Bolyard

    i’ve got a table full of separated pieces of paper, notes, as i try to “get it together” and i’ll never ever be together. i like the sketchy sky. and belated happy birthday.

  9. Jeri

    The good news is you’re getting yourself organized online before the nice weather shows up. You most definitely won’t want to be stuck behind that screen in a few weeks!
    That sky is so beautiful! Taking a moment to notice that is what life is really all about.

  10. Helen Lee

    Oh…the resilient scallion.
    In pieces, then patchworked back together again…over and over, time after time, while there are humans…and Nature. I feel small.
    The gift of a sketchy sky.

  11. Kim

    Beautiful sky. I see a small face, center just above the wires. Hello🙋‍♀️ The slow emergence of Spring reminds me to slowly emerge as well. Not quite ready for peopling yet. Soon.

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