
I am way sleepy today.

Framing a moonflower moment

But I can do this in my sleep really.

waking up

I was given 3 bareroot grape plants.  Only one seems to be happy here.  But probably one, combined with the wild fox grapes here, one more will be more than enough.

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  1. sharon

    dappled light makes me want to curl up ‘n take a nap… think i’ll visualize that top pic tonight when i’m ready to fall asleep!

  2. Nancy D

    Wild Mustang grapes grow here…funny that the local high school has been the Grapevine Mustangs since the beginning. The mascot is a Mustang Horse, lol! It wouldn’t do to have a grape as the mascot, lol!

  3. Nancy

    I’m sleepy a lot these days too 🙂 I did a big house plant clean-up yesterday – trimming, dead leaf removal etc. They look much happier, or at least I am much happier looking at them this way.
    I had grape vines once a very long time ago. They were teeny and not very good and a big mess right over the entrance to the house…but I did have grapes growing once upon a time. Ha

    • jude

      Sleep is always unpredictable, but I have adjusted.
      I have been learning a bit. I will train them and trim them and more grapes will come.😊

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