just here, I say that a lot lately

Soul-o has found a spot,  a makeshift tent under the quilt draped on the now worktable. Especially when the Fox comes by to snack on a squirrel or two. Which is quite often now.  Or when the two coyotes use the path in the woods to go wherever they are going in the early evening.  Or just to nap in the peak heat of the day.  A breeze blows through.

Magnolia did not have an easy spring. The climate was not friendly. All the blooms froze and rotted and dropped before opening.  But she made more than enough leaves and gave it one last try, now in July as if to say, I am here, not whining, blaming anyone, just blooming. Best I can. I take note. To self.


  1. Wendy

    Very hot here in the south, with rain for the last four days. My pear tree and my fig tree has an abundance of fruit this year. A nice secret place for Solo to hang out and watch nature. The chipmunks have been a problem here this year. Digging and tearing up my flower beds.

  2. Judith

    “and thereby hangs the tale”. Or Tail. A quote from somewhere my mother used to say. Seems appropriate. I like quiet hiding places too.

  3. Deb VZ

    So much of your world captured in that photo….I missed Soul-o in my first look. Happy excuse to go back and play a bit of “Where’s Soul-o?”

  4. I found this post so comforting!
    We have a (rarely seen) fox in our neighborhood, but I really miss the coyotes that denned just up the ridge when we lived on the farm. Their night songs were so beautiful, magical — I wish I could howl like that.
    And the magnolia — Resilience! Just doing the best it can. I need these reminders. Thank you.
    And Soul-o! I’m now owned exclusively by one happy dog. But I do miss the wonderful cat-energy in our house.

    • jude

      Since the porch has been fixed and mold is not falling from the ceiling, I find my self sitting, just to watch the goings on without interfering. It calms me to feel a part of the just going. The chipmunks are out of control here.

  5. Judy

    just here too, keeping going as best we all can, like the magnolia. such valuable lessons we can learn from nature if we look and listen.

  6. Pam S.

    Happy to hear soul o has adapted to his new home and the wildlife outdoors!
    Happy you’re here too 💙🌱🌳🕊

  7. and still she persisted … which is to say “you go girl!”

    our garden is likewise defying the odds, continuing to produce ripe, albeit small, tomatoes in spite of 28 days of triple digit heat, and counting

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