December …

Hello Ragmates!

It's December now. Wow.  In a few weeks we will have been in our new home for a year.

As I said in the last post, nothing has gone as planned.  We have settled in, completed basic repairs but of course with the big storm that moved through last night we discovered the roof is leaking.  Life is a patchwork in perspective, yes?  And so we go.

It is great to know that so many of you are still subscribed and following. I have decided to use December to sort through myself.  Time out from the internet and screens and input in general.  The online teaching world has exploded and I am unsure where  I fit into most of it.  And so I will quietly settle in here.

To make a long story short, again, I will be working through a few technical issues and refocusing on some personal goals.  That being said, this site may be down for maintenance  now and then or for extended periods of time this month.  You might find my blog password protected as well for the same reason. Thank you for your patience while I pull my selves together and prepare for the New Year.

I've been stitching and stitching on a cloth called Holding Pattern.  A gift I hope to give to my son and his wife  this holiday.

A simple bed test here, just to see it as "not wall art".  So different. This cloth was started ages ago. As a Small Cloth. A nine patch. And then I kept going. I will test out my new project page section by creating a page  for this one so I might share its story more clearly.  Maybe during this month off. And I will be back with the New Year, changed yet basically the same. Continuing here on many levels. Take care, have a good transition and see you on the flip side.

Thank you for your travelling companionship..

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